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“Fuck it,” I hiss, yanking the pieces together.

“It doesn’t look like anyone’s waiting up,” Pyotr observes, peering into the dim foyer through the side window.

I’m sure everyone’s already in bed. I just need to make it up the stairs.

When I reach him, Pyotr pulls me in for one last passionate kiss as he lets me inside the house. And I’m breathless when we finally break apart. A giddy smile spreads across my lips as I peer up at his gorgeous face.

“You’re late,” my father states from the shadows, his smooth voice turning my blood to ice.

“Father!” I gasp, whirling to face him in horror. And too late, I realize my top’s fallen open. I snatch the fabric, yanking it closed once more.

But from the silent fury on my father’s face, he knows.



My stomach knots, and I know I’ve done it again. Betrayed Silvia. Once more, I’ve proven a master of manipulation, a man without honor. Because this was what I planned–at least before the night began. I knew her curfew was eleven, and I knew the pumpkin show would take up most of the night.

I also knew Silvia wanted to talk–wanted an explanation for my behavior after we had sex–and that opening up to her was my most likely way of winning her back over.

And as her hazel eyes meet mine, I can see the terror in them at what’s about to come. Her fear looks far beyond what I had imagined, and guilt twists my gut painfully at knowing I’m the cause of it.

“Silvia, go to bed. Now,” Don Lorenzo commands, his eyes never leaving me. Cold fury laces his voice, though he keeps his composure, his stiff shoulders the only visible sign of his anger.

“Father, please, I can explain,” she starts, stepping forward, her face pleading, her eyes round.

He silences her with a sharp backhanded slap to the cheek. She cries out, her hand flying to cover the side of her face. And tears of pain shimmer in her eyes.

My blood boils.

I take a step forward, my hackles raising, and I’m ready to murder her father for laying a hand on her. I can’t believe anyone would dare lay a hand on Silvia. She’s as warm and gentle as a summer breeze, not an ounce of malice in her being.How could he even think about hitting her?I ball my fists, ready to knock in the don’s teeth.

“No, Pyotr,” Silvia begs, her eyes wide with fear as she sees my intent. And she rests a hand on my arm. After what I did to the three Bratva men who touched her, she certainly knows what I’m capable of, and I wouldn’t hesitate to do it to this bastard. Except for the fact that he’s her father, and I don’t want to hurt her.

Only that can make me pause, but I clench my jaw in silent rage.

“What? You have a problem with how I discipline my daughter?” Don Lorenzo mocks, his lips twisting into a sneer. “Well, you can discipline her however you like once she’s yours, but tonight, she still belongs to me. Go to your room, Silvia. I’ll deal with you later.”

Tears trickle down her cheeks as she flashes me one last look, silently pleading with me not to do something stupid. But the handprint visible on her flawless skin does nothing to help me calm down. She hesitates another moment, seeming frozen with indecision.

“Go!” Don Lorenzo shouts, his voice echoing through the foyer.

Silvia flinches, paling visibly, and then whirls toward the stairs. She’s clearly reached the limit of her ability to defy him. Though, like the saint she is, Silvia only hesitated to ensure I wouldn’t hurt him.

Right now, as I watch her flee, I’m furious enough, I can’t make promises. But I can hardly blame all of my anger on Silvia’s father.

Though I want to strangle him for hitting her, in truth, I’m no better than Lorenzo. I meant for this to happen. All the way up until Silvia and I had actually started talking, I’d intended for Lorenzo to know I slept with her. And then, once she opened up, everything changed. Our conversation tonight has shown me just how lucky I am to have Silvia in my life. And I can’t deny my feelings for her any longer.

In a million years, I’ll never deserve that girl. She’s so far beyond me in intellect, in depth, in understanding. And it took nothing for me to earn her forgiveness. Not because she’s blind but because she’s good and kind and compassionate.

“You. Come with me,” Don Lorenzo commands, leveling his cold eyes on me as soon as Silvia disappears onto the second floor.

He turns, stalking back toward the hallway running the length of his house, and I follow, my fingers twitching to take him out while his back is exposed. But I know I can’t do that. As much as I want to hurt him, I doubt Silvia would forgive me if I actually took his life. No matter what a bastard he’s proven to be.

He leads me into his study, a room with leather-bound books filling the shelves along the walls, and takes his place behind his elegant mahogany desk. He doesn’t sit as he gestures me toward a chair. I refuse, intent on staying at the same level as him–a power move.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I square off as I remain standing. When it’s clear neither of us is going to take a seat, he plants his palms on the desk and leans over it, glaring at me insidiously.
