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“You stole something from me,” he states flatly. “My daughter wasn’t yours to claim until I gave her away. And now you’ve ruined her.”

Like she’s a piece of fucking property.Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.“I took her more than once,” I gloat, my lips curving into a cocky smile.

It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to talk about her like that–when it’s the farthest from how I feel. But since I’ve already committed my sin, I ought to see this through for its intended purpose.

“You’re a fucking animal, no better than a feral dog around a bitch in heat,” he snarls.

I shrug. “The way I see it, we’re both consenting adults, and she’s my fiancée. If you didn’t want anyone finding their way inside her, you should have made her wear a chastity belt.”

I shouldn’t goad him. I know that. But after tonight, I hate him with every fiber of my being. And if I can’t kill him, then I plan on cutting him down to size.

Don Lorenzo slams his palm down onto his desk with such force, it makes the pen jump in its holder. That only broadens my smile. I like watching his composure crack, knowing I can get under his skin.

“You will marry her before the end of the year,” he growls, pointing a finger at me commandingly. “By the end of Rosehill’s winter break at the latest. I don’t want it getting out that my daughter’s been acting the whore to a Velesdoglike you. And if you so much as utter that fact that you’ve sullied her before your wedding day, I will personally hunt you down and chop you into pieces.”

I give a derisive snort. Funny, but Nicolo Marchetti also thought he could threaten me. Right before his own father sent Silvia off to New York, playing straight into my hands. From where I stand, they’re all bluster.

Only Silvia seems capable of undermining my family’s strategy. Too bad Don Lorenzo can’t see just how much his daughter is truly worth. At least her brother seems to understand. He just doesn’t know how to protect her.

“Fine. I’ll speak to my mother, and we’ll start making arrangements,” I state evenly, dropping my arms to indicate my compliance.

Surprise flickers across Lorenzo’s face, followed by the quick anger as he realizes he’s been played. He’s the one who demanded a long engagement from the start. And while I might have wanted it in the beginning, I could care less when I marry Silvia now. Because all I want is to get her away from her father’s clutches. The sooner, the better in my mind.

I might be a complete asshole, but at least I see her for her true worth. And Iwillprotect her, even if it’s from her own family.

“Is that all?” I prod, getting in one more dig.

“Yes,” he snaps, his eyes flashing.

“Good.” With that, I turn to leave, not bothering with the pleasantries of good night or farewell.

Lorenzo doesn’t follow, and I like to picture him fuming in his office–maybe launching some of his fancy books or overturning his fine desk. But somehow, I get the sense that Don Lorenzo doesn’t lose control like that. Which makes him slapping Silvia all the more infuriating.

As I storm through the foyer, I cast a glance up over my shoulder in the hopes of catching sight of Silvia on the upper floor. But she’s nowhere to be seen. I wonder what she made of the whole thing.Does she blame me for bringing her home late? Could she see through my betrayal?

Not likely. That’s just not who she is. Silvia is inherently trusting. I don’t know how that’s still possible with a family like hers, but she’s proven it time and again. And I’ve taken advantage of that far too often.

Stomach weighing like lead inside me, I see myself out, closing the door firmly behind me. My shoes snap against the solid stone steps as I trample down them and jump into my car.

I’ve really done it this time. My sins are piling up too grievously, and I think I’m beyond confession at this point. Silvia spoke about honesty between us, and that’s the farthest from what I’ve been. I told Silvia a fraction of the truth, at least–that I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for her. And thatdoesfrighten me. Knowing how much I care about her.

But I feel terrible. Because I know she’ll never forgive me for everything I’ve done, all the deception, all the times I’ve used her. Even if she doesn’t know it yet, I’ve completely destroyed our chances of being happy together.

As my thoughts tumble through my mind, I pull out of Silvia’s drive and turn toward the open road–no destination in mind. I need the sense of freedom to process everything, even if it takes all night.



I’ve lost track of how many days I’ve been locked in my room for punishment. Hunger is a minor thing compared to the hours upon hours of boredom. And not knowing where Pyotr stands in all of this.

What I wouldn’t give for the smallest sign from him that it’s all worth it. But my father took my phone, so I’ve been completely without contact. Aside from Danielle, my new artist friend in New York, who I’ve been communicating with through email. She’s sent me wonderful lifelines of artwork to stave off my boredom.

Sighing heavily, I watch my feet tick by above my head like a grandfather clock, counting the seconds, though I have no clue as to the date or the hour. By the light shining outside my window, I would guess mid-morning.

I wonder how many days of classes I’ve missed because my father’s having a temper tantrum. I’m mortified by the fact that he knows I’ve had sex. But I’d been too reckless, overly confident in the fact that I wouldn’t get caught.

I’d strolled through the door, my tongue halfway down Pyotr’s sexy throat. My shirt wide open, my beanie completely forgotten. Everything about me screamed the fact that we had sex. I’d all but rubbed it in my father’s face, thinking I might get away with one night past curfew.
