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“If talking equates to interest, then I should have a problem with you and Amélie. Every time I turn around, you seem to be with her.”

I make every attempt not to sound jealous. Because I’m not. I simply hate the one rule for him and one rule for me bullshit.

“Amélie is no threat to you.”

“Of course, she isn’t,” I reply coolly. “To say she is would imply I have some kind of romantic interest in you. And I don’t, just so we’re clear.”

The storm deepens in his eyes. “But you are my fiancée, and my fiancée does not dance with another man while staring up at him like a lovesick teenager.”

“Lovesick teenager—oh my God, you’re like a selfish child who doesn’t like to share. One guy asks me to dance, and you turn into a possessive caveman. I’m surprised you didn’t club me over the head so you could drag me back to your cave.”

“Don’t think I didn’t consider it.”

As I turn to look out the window, something suddenly occurs to me. I look back at Nico.

“Why have you never asked me about Ari?”

“Ari has never been a threat,” he says, his jaw tight.

“Why?” An inkling slowly crawls up my spine. “How can you be so sure?”

“You’re not interested in him.”

“I’m not interested in Senator Fitzgerald either, but that didn’t stop you from putting two and two together and coming up with ten.” My suspicion grows. “How do you know I’m not interested in Ari?” This time my voice has an edge to it.

His gaze returns to me, and that’s when I realize why he’s not concerned about Ari at all.

“You son of a bitch. Exactly how long have you been following me?”

“As long as needed.”

“How long is that? Weeks, months?”

“The latter.”

I feel the air leave my lungs. The violation of my privacy is extreme, and I feel the intrusion so profoundly.

Another thought occurs to me. “I’ve been on dates during that time. They never worked out because my dates suddenly got cold feet. Was that you? Did you warn them off?”

“A man bun. Seriously?” he says.

My temper blows through me like a wild storm. “You scared him away? You asshole!”

“Think of it as collateral damage,” he says calmly. “I had plans for us, Bella. Anyone else would’ve been in the way. I would’ve gotten to the Earl of Ego too if you hadn’t dumped him first.”

I can barely believe it. He even knows the nickname Imogen and I gave my ex-boyfriend. “You know about Simon as well?”

He’s so calm it’s infuriating. As if meddling in my private life is nothing. But then again, why am I surprised? He’s an asshole.

None of it should come as a shock.

“You’ve been fucking with my life without me even realizing.” I hate him so much right now that if I had a gun, I’d probably shoot him. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

He sits across from me, relaxed as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. Face passive, legs spread, hands resting on the leather seat beside him. I have to resist the urge to jam my heel into his balls.

“I’m your fiancé.” He raises an eyebrow as he says it. “Whether you like it or not.”

He’s composed while I feel positively murderous.

“You’re unbelievable!” I seethe with clenched fists.

Feeling angry as hell, I don't think before I act when the limousine pulls up to a red light. I push open the door and make a break for it, disappearing into the crowd on the busy sidewalk.

Not only am I being forced to marry the asshole, but he’s also a stalking jerk of an asshole.

I need to get away from him.

From this.

From everything.

A few yards into my escape, my feet cry out in pain, so I stop to take off my shoes, then continue fleeing on my bare feet. Not ideal but better than having my caveman fiancé catch up to me.

I hear Nico call out my name, so I begin to run. He’s far behind me but close enough to see me in the crowd.

I duck down an alley, dodging cardboard boxes and cans, and jumping over puddles before turning down another alleyway, and then another.

It’s darker down here. The shadows are longer, and the dusk light barely makes it past the tall buildings. I run down a flight of stairs leading into an underground garage and pass row after row of cars before running up a set of stairs leading out of the garage and into another alley.

I’m winded, but I’m too mad to stop. It’s not until I find myself in a dark dead end that I finally stop and look around to get my bearings. Brick buildings circle me and soar so high they almost block out the light.


I’ll have to go back, but I’m not sure if I’ve gained enough distance from Nico to lose him.
