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The cold stab of reality is immediate, and I shove my cock back into my boxer shorts and zip my black pants.

Draining my glass, I feel the darkness crawl along my spine and worm its way into my brain.

A darkness I’ve lived with for ten years.

The woman rises to her feet and looks at me with a wicked gleam in her eyes as she licks her lips. I briefly wonder how her lipstick remains unsmudged.

“You have a beautiful cock.” Her voice is velvety smooth. “I love fucking it with my mouth.”

A smile twitches in the corner of my lips. But it’s all I can offer her. I want her gone.

She tries to kiss me, but I turn away. I don’t kiss. I haven’t kissed anybody in more than a decade.

I unfold five crisp hundred-dollar bills and drop them on the table beside her.

She looks at them, then leans into my ear. “I told you I’d fuck you for free.” Her hand slides down to my zipper. “I have a feeling you could go all night.”

She’s gorgeous.

But I have no interest in fucking her.


Unfortunately, she ignores me. Like others before her, she thinks she can purr in my ear, and I’ll be hers. But I want her gone, and her lingering presence is beginning to scratch at my nerves.

She pulls down one shoulder on her designer dress to reveal perfectly polished skin. “How about we go to your room, and you can show me just what you can do with that beautiful cock of yours?”

“I said no.”

Her tongue finds the shell of my ear. “You like what my mouth can do to you. Imagine what my pussy will feel like.”

“Nothing I’ll remember tomorrow.”

I move away from her to refill my scotch glass as my words rattle between us.

“You’re cold. I’ve heard that about you,” she says with a hard edge to her voice. “They say you’re an unfeeling asshole who doesn’t show any emotion. That you show no mercy in any situation.”

“Apparently, they say a lot.” I turn around and bring the scotch glass to my lips. “I paid for your mouth to fuck me, not for it to hang around and pester me for cock afterward. Show’s over.”

She tilts her head to the side, her interest piqued. Her smoky eyes gleam as she watches me. Her back straightens. She knows she’s beautiful. That’s why men pay good money for her services. But none of them are a challenge, and I get the feeling she likes a challenge. It’s written all over her face. Me turning her down is a dare she wants to rise up to.

She moves closer to stand in front of me, her seductive lips twitching with wickedness. “You and me could be good together.”

“Haven’t you heard? I don’t play well with others,” I say, taking a sip from the glass.

She runs a finger across my chest, curling her lips into a lusty smirk. “I think you’d find playing with me to be quite satisfying.”

I take a step back. I don’t like being close to people unless it’s necessary. And I certainly don’t tolerate someone touching me.

“Don’t kid yourself, sweetheart.” I sweep my gaze up from her bare feet with pink-painted toes to her symmetrical face and red lips. “High-traffic zones aren’t really my thing.”

A dark scowl deepens the lines in her face. “You bastard.”

She tries to slap me, but I grab her wrist before she can make contact with my cheek.

“Let’s not spoil a nice evening.”

Her glare lingers on my face before she relaxes, and I let her go.

“You really are a cold-hearted asshole.” She snatches up the bills on her way out and slams the door behind her. The shock wave rolls over me as I drain my glass, needing to numb my senses tonight.

A few seconds later, my front door opens, and my brother, Massimo, appears.

“Another happy customer, I see. You really have a way with the ladies.” He grins.

“She’ll get over it.” I cross the room to refill my glass from the bar by the window while my brother makes himself at home.

He sits on the couch and stretches his arm across the top as if he owns the goddamn place. “It’s not like you to bring company home.”

Massimo knows my focus is the family business and not pleasure.

“She came highly recommended for her discretion.”

He crosses his legs as he studies me from the couch. “How is it that you look so tense after getting a blow job?”

Massimo may look like me—with the same dark eyes, jet-black hair, and a face of stubble—but we are opposites. I’m a tense son of a bitch while he’s effortlessly relaxed. But that’s the price you pay when you are the king. Too many enemies want to see my head on a platter for me to relax.

“Maybe it’s my present company. Why are you here?”
