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“Don’t look at them, look at me,” Nico says with a kindness in his voice. “Today, they don’t matter. Today is about you and me.”

“It doesn’t look that way.” I lean in and whisper, “I feel like we’re going to be this evening’s headline when the massacre breaks out.”

“Oh, we’re definitely this evening’s headline. Can’t you hear the choppers circling above?”

He’s not wrong. The beautiful stone building provides us with enough protection from the media, but beyond that, it’s chaotic with press and news crews eager to report on New York’s most eligible bachelor getting hitched.

A thousand cameras went crazy when I arrived.

I huff out a nervous breath, knowing I won’t ever be comfortable with that level of attention again.

Nico’s eyes are warm when he chuckles. “Relax, Bella.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not marrying a—”

“Psychotic piranha.”

My eyes round, and I glare at him.

The only person I’ve ever said that to was Imogen.

On a phone call.

In my bedroom.

Weeks ago.

It doesn’t take a genius to work out how he knows. “You bugged my room?”

“You’re surprised?” He whispers as he leans closer, “I’m a bad man, remember?”

He smirks, and I’d give anything to be able to wipe it off his face.

But as usual, he has the upper hand.

“At least you’re honest,” I grumble.

Beside us, the marriage celebrant clears his throat, reminding us that he is waiting to marry us.

I can tell he’s nervous. I get the feeling he’s waiting for the tension to ignite too.

But then he begins the ceremony, and slowly, the stormy weather system eases from the atmosphere.

Not that I hear anything he says. All I’m aware of is Nico’s hot gaze warming my skin and the way it hasn’t left me since he took my hands in his.

I don’t look at him because I know what will come over me when I do. It will be the same tightening in my stomach and relentless pulsating throb between my legs I felt when I saw him waiting for me at the end of the aisle, looking all delicious and dangerously hot.

We fuck a lot because of that tightening and throbbing sensation.

It comes over me and all rhyme and reason leave me, resulting in lots of sweaty, uninhibited sex.

And neither of us seems to be tiring of it.

For me, it feels safe. Like I know where I sit with him.

For him… who knows? We don’t talk about it. And the only words he says to me during sex are filthy and depraved, and deliciously carnal.

Like this morning, when I kneeled in front of him, and he fucked my mouth with his engorged cock and told me my juicy lips were made for sucking cock. His cock. “Suck me harder, baby. Make me come with that greedy little mouth of yours.”

I did, and he came in hot spurts down my throat until he was milked of every last drop.

Then he returned the favor until I was a writhing mess on the bed with his head between my parted thighs and his name on my kiss-drunk lips.

I blush, suddenly remembering where I am.

I glance at Nico, and the amused smile on his filthy mouth tells me he knows exactly what I was thinking about. My cheeks get hot. It’s like he can read my mind, which knowing my luck, he probably can.

Before I know it, we’re reciting vows.

Then the marriage celebrant announces us man and wife, and Nico reaches for me.

He takes my face in his big hands and kisses me, and just like that, we’re married.

I’m Bella De Kysa.

Wife to don Nico De Kysa.

The words seem to be on repeat in my head during the reception being held inside the Stone Mill.

Music plays. Champagne flows. Gourmet food is ferried from the kitchen to the tables where Mafia dons and their soldiers and families eat heartily, one hand on their glasses, the other on their guns.

Gio De Kysa and my father stare at one another across the room, but neither makes a move toward the other. They might be an alliance in marriage, but the old rivals are not ready to forgive and forget.

At least they’re not shooting each other, I think as I watch them from the bridal table.

My father leaves after the speeches, and Gio De Kysa does the same not long after.

Nico leans over to me. “It’s time for us to leave.”

“Now?” I look around the room full of guests. Granted, I don’t know a lot of them, but still, it feels rude to leave them so early.

Nico’s fingers trail down the bare skin on my back. “I want to fuck you in that dress, Bella. I have ever since I saw you walk down the aisle, and I can’t wait any longer.”

His black eyes sweep over my face, igniting a throb at my core.

We take a limousine back to his apartment. In the back seat, he pulls me onto his lap and begins kissing me deep and hard.
