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“And Ari is one of those fantasies?”

“I’ll wear him down one day.”

“I admire your determination.” I lift my margarita to my lips. “Anyway, I thought you were seeing that sexy attorney you met at work.”

“He’s okay,” she says noncommittally. “I dunno, I think I’m bored.”

I resist rolling my eyes. This isn’t the first conversation we’ve had about this. In fact, it’s the same conversation we have with nearly every single guy she dates.

“You go through men like candy. How about throwing some my way?”

“I would, but you’d probably throw them back.”

“You’re right.” I take another sip of my drink. “Because I’m a dating disaster.”

“Wait, weren’t you seeing some guy in London, some earl or lord or something?”

“We broke up.”

Just my luck, the one guy who decides to stick around turns out to be an egotistical jerk.

This time, it was me who did the breaking up. Not quick enough, though. Unfortunately, his gaslighting has had a lasting effect on me, despite being the kind of girl who doesn’t tolerate being treated badly.

But that’s the thing about toxic behavior. Even if you’re strong, some of the noxious fumes can seep through your tough outer layer and steal your confidence before you even realize.

With Simon, my confidence took a big hit.

When I realized what was happening, I dumped his egotistical ass and have been repairing my self-confidence ever since.

I’ve been out with other guys since then, but they never move past the first date.

I sigh. “I don’t know why I’m such a dating disaster.”

“Maybe it has something to do with your daddy?” Imogen suggests with a mischievous smile. “I mean, dating the only daughter of a Mafia don would have to be as intimidating as fuck.”

I give her a pointed look. “You know he isn’t involved in that life anymore. He left that all behind when we moved to New York. That’s why we moved.”

When we relocated to New York, my father gave up his Mafia ties, and the old ways got left behind in the old land.

Now he owns five highly renowned restaurants all over New York and is revered as a charismatic businessman and restaurateur.

Imogen looks wistful. “Are you sure? I mean, he looks so—”

“If you say dreamy, sexy, or fuckable, I’m leaving.”

Imogen has always had a crush on my father. I mean, he is a very good-looking man, and he’s charming and stylish in his Armani suits and slicked-back hair, but he’s also pushing sixty.

“I was going to say he looks so mafioso. Like he stepped right off the set of Goodfellas.”

“He’s a businessman.”

She wiggles her eyebrows. “A very well-connected businessman.”

This time, I do roll my eyes. Imogen likes to romanticize the whole organized crime thing. The truth is, it is ugly and dark and bloody. And it took an irreparable toll on my family.

Imogen drains her margarita glass. “And there has been no one since the earl?”

“I met a guy at a work event a few weeks ago who was kind of hot. Tall. Charming. Man bun. We met for dinner the following night.”


“And then nothing.”

“What do you mean nothing? No kiss? No sexy time?”

I shake my head. “That’s the thing. He was into me at the beginning of the evening, but by the end of the night, I was issued with a sudden ‘I’m not really looking for anything right now’ talk. It was weird. It’s like something happened between our entrée and desserts.”

Imogen’s eyes gleam with conspiracy. “You think someone paid him a visit while you were in the bathroom?”

“Like who?”

“Daddy is well-connected,” she sing-songs.

“You think my father organized someone to warn off my date?” I resist a smile. “He was an entire continent away. I doubt he’s even aware of when and who I date.”

Thankfully, my move to London lessened the need for bodyguards—something that was stifling in New York—which meant my father knew very little about my life because he didn’t have a six-foot-ten tank reporting back to him.

“Possibly. Or maybe Mr. Vanish was just a dick. Every town has a lot of those, no matter what side of the ocean you’re on. But you’re a stunner, Bella Isle Ciccula. Forget about the rude men with man buns. Something way better is planned for you.” She winks. “I need to pee and freshen my lipstick. Be a doll and order us another round of drinks.”

When Imogen leaves, I order another two margaritas from the server, and that’s the moment I see him. The man. He’s standing in the middle of the room, but he’s standing very still in a sea of people moving around him. He looks like sin wrapped in a custom suit and a raven-black button-up shirt. And he’s staring right at me.

When our eyes meet, something runs down my spine, and the hairs on the back of my neck lift. Something about him is intense. Something dark and mysterious, and a thrill of excitement ripples in the pit of my stomach.

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