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They must be in separate rooms because they’re yelling back and forth like a tennis volley.

“Oh, so now I’m ruining your life? That’s rich. I’m not the one who married into fucking Mafia royalty.”

“Stop being so dramatic. Honestly, where do you get these ridiculous ideas from?”

“Are you blind? His whole family is neck deep in Mafia murdered corpses.”

Amusement tugs at my lips. I have to give it to my stepsister, she’s creative.

“Why don’t you put those crazy ideas to good use and write a damn book or something,” Juliet yells back.

“Oh, so now I’m crazy?” she yells.

“Again, with the theatrics, Eve.” Juliet sounds weary.

“If that’s what you think of me, then I’m leaving—” Eve stops yelling when she appears in the doorway and finds me standing on the step. Her eyes widen for just a split second, then narrow. “Hello, gangster. Been lurking on the doorstep long?”

“Long enough,” I say smugly.

She shrugs. “Have you come here to clean house or is this a friendly visit?”

“Clean house? Exactly what do you think I do?”

She avoids answering by asking another question. “Do you have a gun?”

“I do.”

She leans her hip against the doorframe and folds her arms. “Have you come to use it?”

“Do I need to?”

She leans forward and whispers, “I know your secrets.”

I lean forward and whisper, “Have you been googling me again?”

Because her threat failed to get the reaction she was aiming for, she yells over her shoulder. “Mom, one of my annoying new stepbrothers is here.”

“Your stepbrother?” Juliet shouts back. “Which one?”

Eve’s eyes twinkle across at me as she yells back, “The scary-looking one.”

I lift my brow. I’ll take the compliment.

Even if it wasn’t meant as one.

Turning her attention back to me, she says, “If you’ve come to murder me, I was just leaving.”

“Now why would I want to hurt my delightful new stepsister?”

“I don’t know. Because you’re a Mafia don, and that’s what you do when people know your secrets.”

I have to hand it to her. She has balls. Not that she knows anything. My father keeps his secrets locked up tighter than the crown jewels.

But I like this kid’s spark.

I struggle to keep the smile from my lips. “Hmm, is that so? I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

She sighs. As if I’m the exasperating one. “Well, if murder is off the table, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be out doing gangsterish things with your gangsterish friends?”


“I don’t know, like hanging out in questionable places and stealing from the rich.”

“You’re confusing me with Robin Hood. I assure you, I’m not that predictable.”

That piques her interest. I see the delight stir in her eyes.

My stepsister is attracted to the dark side.

Which is fortunate, given her circumstance.

“I was just leaving,” she says.

“So I heard.” I step out of her way. “By all means, don’t let me keep you from storming out of the house.”

She smiles even though she doesn’t really want to and steps past me.

Curious, I ask as she passes me, “If I’m the scary-looking one, what is Massimo?”

She gives me a wicked look over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling. “He’s the good-looking one. Have a nice day, gangster.”

I watch her walk away. “Hey,” I call out, and she turns around again. “Do me a favor and don’t tell him that. His head is already big enough.”

Another wicked grin spreads her ruby-red lips. “I’ve already speed-dialed his number.”

Grinning, she disappears down the driveway and vanishes from view.

“Nico.” Juliet appears at the front door looking battle weary after arguing with her teenage daughter. “What a delight. I’m sorry you had to hear that. Eve can be a little trying sometimes.”

“I imagine she is,” I say. “Is my father home?”

“Yes, he’s in his office.” She steps aside to let me inside. “Can I offer you a coffee or a wine? I’m having wine. A nice pinot noir.” When I look at my watch and see it’s only eleven o’clock, she adds, “Don’t judge me until you’re the mother of a teenage daughter with enough sass to drown in.”

Fair enough.

I offer her a small smile. “I’m fine. But enjoy your glass of wine.”

She pats my arm and gives me a wink. “Oh darling, I’m drinking the entire bottle.”

We part ways, and I head to my father’s office, where I find him behind his large desk. He looks up when I walk in.

“Domenico! My son!” He rises and walks around his desk to greet me. With arms outstretched, he embraces me warmly, thumping my shoulders and hugging me tight. “You look well. Marriage suits you.”

I’m waiting for a sly comment about Bella being an Isle Ciccula, but when it doesn’t come, I remember I’m dealing with the alien version of my father who returned home from a three-month cruise with a new bride on his arm and a new one-eighty view of life.

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