Page 41 of His Forbidden Bride

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FOR THE REST OF THEweek, Malik and Kyria didn’t even take one step out of his suite, with the sheikh determined to “train” her into being accustomed to his presence. Basically, it involved Kyria needing to stick close to the sheikh whenever and wherever. For the most part, it also inevitably involved slaps, kicks, and punches.

On the second day of her stay, the sheikh had brought his local managers to his suite’s private library only to find Kyria already occupying the room. She was standing in front of the bookshelves, perusing a particular novel, and she had looked up in surprise when they entered the room. She tried to excuse herself seeing that they were about to have a meeting, but the sheikh, who was leaning idly against his desk, only shook his head and motioned for her to come forward.

“Mr. Carter, please proceed with your report.” As he spoke, the sheikh drew Kyria close, her back against his chest, and one arm wrapped around her waist in a casually possessive gesture. His chin settled on top of her head, the sheikh turned to the now-gaping Mr. Carter.

“Go on, Carter. You were saying about our stock prices?”

Mr. Carter hastily resumed his report, nervous but reluctantly fascinated at how the notoriously aloof sheikh was being so openly affectionate with his mother’s ward. Meanwhile, Kyria did her best not to squirm in the sheikh’s hold, reminding herself over and over that this was ‘purposeful embarrassment’ in action.

You can handle this, Kyria Markides. You must. You will—-

The arm around her waist moved slightly, the sheikh’s hard muscles now pressing against the undersides of her breasts.


Kyria whirled around unthinkingly.


The second manager broke off, everyone turning pale at the tense silence that followed.

The sheikh stared down at Kyria.

“ on your face?”

The managers’ jaws dropped.How could the young woman see a fly when she had her back to the sheikh?

Malik slowly smiled. “Then I guess I should thank you.”

The managers wondered if they were going crazy.Had the sheikh truly fallen for such a flimsy excuse?

And this was just the start. More similar incidents followed, and eventually the staff became used to the violent hilarity of the encounters between the sheikh and Kyria. He would come up to her from behind to steal a kiss, and she would end up nearly poking him in the eye. He would wait to catch her unawares so he could sweep her off her feet, and she would end up almost stabbing him in the chest with her pen. To any stranger, any of these incidents would be more than enough reason to send for the authorities, but then they would see the way the sheikh and the young woman looked at each other, hear the way they spoke to each other—-

Let sleeping dogs lie, the staff would think to themselves with a fatalistic shrug.

Although the days remained eminently stressful for Kyria, the nights were very much the opposite, although this was much to her secret shame. There were also new lessons to learn, but they were of a different kind – a secret, pleasurable kind, and one that she always helplessly ended up begging more of. In the following nights, he had taught her how to surrender to his touch, showed her the beauty in giving in to his mastery and letting him take complete control of her the moment they were in his bedroom.

Stand straight and let your breasts thrust out. Cup them. Feed me like you know I’m starving for the taste of you.

Such were his commands, but even though they made Kyria blush all over and her toes curl, she couldn’t help obeying him. It wasn’t just because she knew that he would reward her with pleasure. Mostly, it was also because of how he looked at her, of how he touched her and made her feel. In his eyes, she was a beautiful, irresistible siren, the only woman capable of driving him wild. She had always hated how small her breasts were, but the way Malik could feast on them for hours eventually got rid of all her insecurities. She used to hate being so petite, but eventually these doubts also whittled away, with Malik often groaning how he loved how her size allowed him to pleasure her in even the smallest and tightest of corners.

Of course, Malik also taught Kyria how to pleasure him, and for these lessons she was quite the eager pupil. No sound was as sweet as hearing Malik’s hoarse, rough growls as she stroked and sucked on his cock, and there was nothing more arousing than the knowledge that she, Kyria, was the one to give him such pleasure.

And after, in a mutual state of exhaustion in which they would either lounge in his enormous tub or on the bed, with Kyria resting atop his powerful frame, they would The first night, they had spoken of Katerina. Rather, the sheikh had been the one to bring her up, and Kyria had bolted up, clutching the sheets to her naked body. Somehow, hearing the other girl’s name made her feel tense and vulnerable, paranoid and defensive, and she hated it.

Swallowing hard, she said haltingly, “If you’re about to tell me you’re in love with her—-”

The sheikh abruptly sat up at her words, a stunned expression falling on his handsome face. “Hell no!”

Kyria bit her lip. “I wish I can believe you.”

“Nothing ever happened between us.” The sheikh exhaled in frustration. “I’m not lying. I know it may have seemed that way, and I admit that Ihadentertained the idea of hooking up—-” When the sheikh felt Kyria stiffen, his arms instantly tightened around her. “It was an idea brought by desperation,” Malik said forcefully. “That’s all. But nothing came out of it. She was always in love with her ex, and in fact she’s gotten back together with him. I’ve partnered with him in business, and Himura’s the only reason that I occasionally hear from her.”

“But you went to visit her in Tokyo,” Kyria mumbled under her breath. Was she really supposed to think nothing of it?

“Yes,” he allowed grimly. “I did.”

Her eyes widened in incredulous hurt.And that’s it?

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