Page 34 of That Touch

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“I think the last time we were here,” she blushes, “I, uh—well, actually we, Dean and I—”

“You skinny-dipped.”

“How’d you know?”

“I was there,” I remind her. “But I didn’t participate or look. You yelled that you were going to skinny-dip and took your top off before running down the small dock and jumping in. Logan and I were there, and we decided that was our cue to go grab another beer and walk the trail.”

“I didn’t remember that you guys were there too.” She looks around the area, lost in a memory as I open the truck door. I head around to the back, helping her down before reaching inside to grab the small backpack I brought.

“Yup. You ended up cutting your foot on one of the rocks as you were climbing out, and I bandaged it up for you.”

“That’s right!” She smacks her forehead playfully, remembering it. “Damn, how could I have forgotten that? I remember you holding your hand over your eyes while you were handing me my shirt.” She laughs. “You had a first aid kit in your truck.” She smiles up at me. “Thank you for that, in case I never said it. I know I was often in my own world back then, clearly.”

“I’m sure you thanked me back then. You ready?” I ask, looking down at her. The trail is short—only a mile to reach the lake.

“Yeah, let’s do it.” She smiles, looping her arm through mine as we head up the trail.

“How could anyone ever want to live anywhere else?” She looks up at the clear blue sky, the Ponderosa pines stretching far over our heads, their scent permeating the air. The aspens’ leaves have turned their signature golden yellow, scattering leaves over the trail. “Colorado is heaven on earth.”

“It is beautiful. We’re lucky to call it home.”

“Have you ever thought about living anywhere else?”

“Uh . . .” Now is my chance to tell her I could very well be moving to Texas. “Not really, no. I mean, I guess I haven’t thought too much about it since my entire family is here. What about you?”

“Nope. I love it here, and since my dad is in the assisted living community over in Fort Collins and my mom is buried out here, I don’t imagine I’d ever leave. I know it’s a small town and I complained so much growing up about how there was nothing to do here, but I actually find so much solace in that now. You don’t have to worry about traffic or crazy developers putting in a ski lodge or a strip mall. It’s peaceful.”

“Yeah, it really is.” I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her against me as we finish the climb to the lake. Any hope I had that maybe I could convince Dolly to move to Texas with me is disappearing. I can’t ask her to give up her life here—where her father depends on her, where her business is, where her heart is—just to keep me company and make me happy in a place that isn’t home.

“I have a surprise.”


I pull the backpack off of my shoulders as we walk to the dock. I unzip it, taking out two towels. “We’re going to make our own skinny-dipping memories.”

“Are you serious? It’s cold, and that lake has to be freezing!” She reaches down, touching the water. “Holy shit, that’s cold!”

“Come on . . . teenage Dolly would be calling me a pussy right now and tearing down this dock with her tits out.” I laugh.

“Teenage Dolly was reckless,” she says, looking out over the lake then back to me as I kick off my boots and unzip my jacket. “You’re serious? You’re really going in?”

“Yup, and so are you.” She gives me a look. “Don’t act like I won’t pick you up and toss you in. You know, teenage Dolly might have been reckless, but she was also fearless.”

She glances around. “Iwaspretty fearless, wasn’t I?” I can see her debating, a smile taking over. “Okay, let’s do it.” She takes off her jacket and her hoodie, followed by her boots and leggings. We’re both in our underwear, staring at each other for a second.

“In the sun, it’s not that bad. Feels pretty nice, actually.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about.” She hesitates, her hands reaching for the clasp on her bra. We both finish stripping down until we’re fully naked, and I can’t take my eyes off her body in the sunlight. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Are you fucking serious? Look at you.” I can’t stop myself from reaching my hands up to cup her full breasts, her nipples already hard from the crisp autumn air. “I don’t know how I looked away when I was younger,” I say half under my breath as I lean down and pull her nipple into my mouth. My cock bounces between my thighs, pressing against her.

“Are you sure you want to jump in that cold water?” she murmurs, her hand reaching down to wrap around my cock. She strokes me gently as I trail my lips up her breasts to her mouth. I tip her head back, kissing her deeply, hungrily.

“Why, what else you have in mind?” I struggle to focus, my balls tightening, already begging for release.

“Just relax, baby.” She slowly drops down my body, reaching for one of the folded-up towels and placing it beneath her knees. Her hands glide up my thighs, her tongue snaking out to tease the tip of my cock as she licks off the bead of precum.

“Oh baby,” I groan, my hands sliding in her hair as she takes me deep, my head hitting the back of her throat. She repeats the process over and over, with long slow strokes of her tongue against the underside of my shaft sending my eyes to the back of my head as I struggle to keep myself from finishing.
