Page 37 of That Touch

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“I’ve actually thought about that. Since Aunt Celeste has retired from her firm and from working at the brewery, I know Aiden could use some help in the legal department. Maybe that’s the negotiation I go to my dad with: a package deal of me taking over the board spot and Kent joining the company as in-house legal.”

“Honestly,” Brooklyn pauses, sipping her mimosa, “your dad would probably like that. You know how they love to keep the business in the family.”

“Enough about me, though. What’s been going on with you lately, Doll? I feel like you’ve been a little MIA.”

I can’t hide the blush I feel creeping up my neck. I take my time chewing another bite of my cinnamon roll as Brooklyn and Milly stare at me.

“Well, umm . . . actually—” Before I can finish the sentence, Brooklyn drops her fork and it clatters on the plate.

“Oh my God!” she exclaims in excitement.

“What? I didn’t even say anything.” I smile, but it’s no use trying to play coy.

Her hands shoot up over her mouth. “Did you guys kiss?”

“Who?” Milly asks, genuinely confused until it hits her a second later. “Oh no, is this going to be about my brother?” She cringes and I burst out laughing. “Noooo,” she groans.

“I’m sorry. I promise I won’t share details, but let’s just say, yes, we kissed . . . a lot . . . and may have done more.”

“Oh boy.” Milly reaches for her glass, downing the rest of the mimosa. “I’m gonna need a pitcher.”

“More? How much more?” Brooklyn plants her hands on the table, leaning in.

I glance over at Milly, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. “Let’s just say wereallyknow each other now . . . inside and out.”

“Ooookaaay.” Milly lets out a long sigh and shakes her head.

“When? How?” Brooklyn asks.

“Maybe you and I can have a separate conversation.” I laugh, wanting to spare Milly. “It’s recent, but things are going really well. It’s similar to what you said, Mill. It just feels right.”

“Have you guys discussed what this means? Like, are you a couple or . . . ?”

I shake my head. “Not yet. I think I’ve been scared—I think we both have, because of Dean. We really opened up when he came up to the cabin. I told him how he hurt me and how I felt like he’d been distant. He opened up about where his head was at and how he was struggling with feeling like I was only friends with him because he was the last tie I had to Dean.”

“Oh,” Milly’s hand shoots up to her chest, “that’s so sad. I didn’t know he felt that way.”

“Me neither. It was good, though. We talked a lot about our past and this last year. Then we went hiking on Thursday. He took me up to that old trail we used to do as teens, where we’d sneak cigarettes and hang out at the lake.”

“I haven’t been up there in years.” Milly laughs.

“I hadn’t either. It was fun, though. I don’t think he’s ready to be public with things yet, and I’m not sure I am, either, so we’ll see how it plays out at the rodeo next week. You guys are going, right?”

“Yeah, Tyler and I will be there, and I know Trent and Amelia will be too,” Brooklyn replies. I look over at Milly.

“Planning on it. I think I’m going to bring Kent, too, and officially introduce him to everyone.”

“Ohhh yes, please do!” Brook and I encourage her.

After brunch, I run a few errands before heading to my store to work a shift and close up for the night. My stomach churns as I flip the OPEN sign over and lock the door. I’ve felt a little off since drinking that mimosa this morning at brunch, but I can’t imagine that small amount of champagne caused this.

My phone pings and alerts me to a text from Ranger.

Ranger:Hey, thinking about you. Got any plans tonight?

I still get butterflies when I see his name cross my screen, but tonight, they’re replaced with an uncomfortable gurgling.

Me:Hey, closing up at the store now. No plans for tonight . . . not feeling too great, actually.
