Page 73 of That Touch

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“Yes, I’ll be fine. I feel good and I’m bringing my hospital bag just in case.” She points to her bag, which has been packed for two weeks now.

“Do you hear yourself? You’re bringing your hospital bag to my sister’s wedding reception in case you go into labor.” I know there’s no sense trying to argue with her about this, but still, it has me nervous.

At her last appointment, her doctor told her she’s ready to go any day now. The baby is in position, and she’s already a centimeter dilated. She’s been in nesting mode since our wedding. We’ve spent most weekends getting the nursery ready, building furniture, and baby-proofing the house. Every once in a while, we both stop and just stare at each other, realizing how much our lives have changed in the last year.

“I’m fine, I promise.” She walks over to me, grabbing my hands. “I’ll be okay. I don’t want to miss out on celebrating Milly’s big day.”

“Her big day already came and went two weeks ago in Mexico,” I say, referring to her elopement. “I’m glad she agreed to let our parents go, though. Mom was so sad thinking she’d miss it, but she didn’t want to upset Mill.”

“I think she was so happy to have them there; she would’ve regretted it if she hadn’t.” Dolly looks herself over in the mirror of our bedroom. “I look like a whale,” she pouts, trying to smooth out her dress, which hugs every inch of her round belly.

“No, you don’t. You look like a beautiful mother who is seconds away from giving birth.” I try one last-ditch effort to get her to change her mind, but she brushes it off.

“Let’s go so we’re not late.”

When we arrive at the party, I find I’m not the only person who thinks it’s crazy Dolly insisted on coming at nine months pregnant and two days past her due date.

“I was not expecting you guys to be here!” Milly says, throwing her arms around both of us. She’s glowing, a huge grin on her face since she got back from Mexico.

“Told you.” I nudge Dolly.

“Oh, hush! I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”

“Ranger, Dolly, so nice to see you both,” Kent says, planting a kiss on Dolly’s cheek before extending his hand out toward me.

“Congrats,” I say, shaking his hand. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I ask him, since Dolly and Milly are already deep in conversation.

“Yeah, absolutely.”

I usher him to the side, away from everyone.

“Hey, this is long overdue, but I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the rodeo that night. I was angry about something else and took it out on you. I know you make my sister incredibly happy, and that makes me happy. I’m sorry I haven’t taken the time to get to know you better yet. Things have been a bit crazy in my life.”

“No apology needed.” He laughs. “I understand, so don’t worry about the rodeo. You and your family are protective of each other, and I respect that so much. I have a sister, too, so I get it.”

“Good.” I smile, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze.

“Umm, Ranger, sorry to interrupt, but we have a little situation,” Milly says, appearing next to me.

“What happened?”

“Don’t freak out, but Dolly’s water broke.”

“What?”I shout the word louder than I mean to. “Where is she?”

“She’s in the bathroom cleaning herself up with Brooklyn. Go get the car, and we’ll walk her out to you.”

I sprint out of the venue, running across the parking lot to my truck and pulling it up to the door just as Brooklyn and Milly appear with Dolly.

“Are you okay?” I jump out and run over to her.

“I’m okay. Just some really small contractions that are far apart, so we have time.”

“Why are you so calm?” I help her into the truck, thanking the girls and promising we’ll keep them updated. “Tell my parents we’ll call them!” I shout as I shut my door and put the truck in drive.

“Hey,” Dolly reaches over to me as I slow the truck to pull out onto the road, “it’s okay. Just get us there safely.” I let out a long breath, tension leaving my body as I look over at my beautiful wife. “We’ve got this. Let’s go meet our baby girl!”

* * *
