Page 66 of Night Returns

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It was a long kiss of tongues and teeth and lips gently gnawing as he stripped my clothes away piece by piece. The buttons of my blouse littered the floor after one yank on the fabric, his hands immediately moving to push under the bottom band of my bra and palm my breasts. My hips pushed upward against his groin as he straddled me like that.

I returned the gesture of undoing, my fingers shaking as I untucked the towel from his waist. I blushed at the size of the cock barging free from the fabric to bob forward with a thickhello. So big and hard, the balls heavy and firm from his arousal. My nipples instantly peaked as need flooded the area between my legs.

"Oh, pussycat," he whispered, his voice grown husky. "You brought your own cream to dinner."

A wild laugh escaped me. Always the irreverent one, at least when words were coming out of his mouth. There would be reverence enough once his tongue was occupied elsewhere.

Need thrumming through my body made me twist and squirm.

"And there's my Hummingbird," Mallory rasped, his big hands parting my thighs. He was slow to take his first lick, nuzzling each thigh in turn, a pendulum ticking a little lower with each swing, left to right, right to left, a kiss, a nip, and then—

My back arched with a feral curve, my pussy pushing up with a long denied need. His hands moved to cup each cheek of my ass and force me into maintaining the position. I stayed that way willingly, poised in offering. My pussy, my ass, my mouth. Whatever he wanted.

Lips, fingers, teeth, and tongue.

Scraping, stroking, pressure building.


With all my weight on the back of my shoulders and heels as I kept my pussy pushed high, I forced my fingers through his thick, dark hair and clutched him closer in a silent demand to devour me harder. Long ignored muscles contracted and quivered. His thumbs entered my ass, his tongue my pussy as his top lip worked my clit. I quaked, my building climax squeezing every last molecule of oxygen from my lungs.

Mallory lifted me higher, all the weight moving to the back of my shoulders as my feet left the ground. I pressed my thighs against the side of his face, my calves against his back, ankles crossed as I fought the urge to hold him in the vise of my body until we both shattered into fragments.

And then I collapsed as the orgasm that rocked my pussy escaped in a long, quivering sigh of completion.

"That was just a warm-up, Hummingbird," he teased, rolling me onto my stomach before parting my legs and sliding between them.

My ass lifted, pushed against his lower stomach as my pussy tightened around his cock. The fingers on his right hand parted my labia. He was going to kill me with what he was doing. Raise me from the dead before sending me straight back.

Hell if he stopped.

Heaven if he didn't.

Hard, thick, relentless, his cock pushed and pulled inside me, the long strokes stopping just short of him pulling out. The big head that topped his shaft fished quarter circles as he thrust left then right, his powerful hips swiveling on the in and out, in and out. My lungs seized as I tightened around him. His fingers found my clit again. He smeared my cream along its tender spine, his index and middle finger veed to hit both sides of what felt like a living electric wire.

Tighter and tighter I wound, each new squeeze against his cock making my eyes roll further back in my head. Breathing. Became. Impossible.

And then I broke, satisfaction exploding in a billion little pops of nerve cells all at once.

"Shhhh…love," Mallory murmured, his hands massaging my tailbone and spine as he slowly lowered me to the floor from the hands-and-knees position in which he had so deliciously fucked me.

When I was flat on the plush carpet, he got down next to me, then pulled me into his embrace. His fingers smoothed across my back in a lazy pattern until my heart rate fully calmed.

And then he sent it racing again, his lips against my ear as he whispered.

"We never lost one another. I kept you with me always, in my thoughts and in my dreams. But I was a poor dreamer, I never could have imagined the precious gift you protected all those years, or the nightmares you endured to keep her safe. Please believe me when I say that I am the one who should beg your forgiveness, Justine."

On the verge of tears, I pressed my face against his chest, my cheeks and nose squishing left to right as I denied that any of the fault was his. Shushing my sobbing, Mallory coaxed me into looking up at him.

"Can you see the ending you wanted to write to our story? Can you believe it's there?"

"Yes," I answered, the truth of my reply filling the hollow space inside me, pushing out the doubt and loneliness that had accumulated over decades.

"Yes," I repeated. "I see it…and so much more."
