Page 35 of Tormented Angel

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Duarte gurgles on the blade inside him, and blood begins pouring from his wound, as well as his mouth. Even though he knew what was coming, he seemed so shocked, almost baffled by the fact I actually did this to him. I snicker as the pain and fear course over him.

He begins choking on his own blood, and I rise, enjoying my gallery seat of his death. He begins grasping at the ground like it will somehow help him, but he knows it won’t. Nothing is going to help him right now, and his final moments are going to be filled with fear. Duarte is dying, and there’s nothing sweeter in my eyes. If anyone deserves a gruesome, painful death, it’s the man on the floor below me.

Eset and I watch him for the next few minutes before he finally stops gurgling and the life leaves his body. Still, I stare at him and have a hard time pulling my eyes away.

“Are you all right?”

“I’m amazing, actually,” I say as I look at my sister.

“Good. You did the right thing. Duarte was only ever a risk, and I think it would be good if we all remember that. Plus, I don’t like the way he was talking about my father-in-law earlier. I’ll put my money on the fact he would’ve had Julio making even more moves against our family.”

“More?” This is news to me.

“I… I’ve heard some things, but they’re not confirmed, so I won’t be bringing them up to Ruslan until I know if they’re factual or not.”

“Understood.” I won’t say anything until Eset does. Though, I do appreciate how she’s verifying information before she even speaks to our brother.

My phone rings, and I pull it out of my pocket, seeing it’s Mona.

“Med, how are things with you?” It’s my first time speaking with her since our last check-in, and I’ve been anxiously awaiting an update.

“I’m okay. The girls are okay, but Lom was shot. He… he was shot in the chest. I… I think he’s going to be okay, but we just got to some sort of warehouse. His driver called someone who I think is a doctor and should be here soon. I’m so sorry your brother got shot doing this for me, Nazyr. I’m so bloody sorry.”

I hear the emotion in Mona’s voice, and all I want to do is pull her into my arms and comfort her.

“We all knew there were risks when we went into this. How bad is it?” As I ask my question, Eset looks right at me. She knows something is wrong.

“I’m not sure. He said it was a flesh wound, but it seems like it’s worse than that. I’m not a doctor, so I’m not… I’m not really sure.”

“Okay. Lom is going to get the medical attention he needs, so don’t worry. I’m sure everything is fine. When the doctor gets there and tells you what’s going on, can you please call me? Now that you all are safe, I want as many updates as I can get.”

“Yes, I’ll call you as soon as I get more information. It looks like the doctor is coming in now. His driver is speaking with him.”

“Okay. Is my brother still conscious?”

“Yes, but he looks very weak.” Mona’s words cause me to worry, but I know my brother, and he’s too stubborn to die from a gunshot wound.

“Where was he shot?”

“The chest,” Mona comments.

It’s obvious to me she’s nervous as all hell, but I’m glad they got out of Duarte’s estate.

“Okay, let me tell the rest of my family. Please call me as soon as you find anything else out, okay?”

“I will. I love you, Nazyr. Thank you so much for doing this for me, for the girls… I will never forget the kindness you’ve shown me.”

“I love you,Med. I’ve only done what I knew was right in my heart. Come home to me, and call me soon.”

“I will,” Mona says and then hangs up the phone.

I look right at my sister, knowing I need to tell my family about my brother’s condition. I’m hoping and praying that it isn’t too serious because if my brother dies, his death will be on my hands.

Chapter Twenty


I don’t think I’ve ever been more nervous than I have been over the last forty-eight hours. I went from leaving Grozny to entering Spain to crossing the border into Portugal within a few hours. We thankfully rescued my daughters without either of them being harmed in the process, and no one on the Umarova’s payroll was killed. Lom did get shot, but he was able to get surgery once we were outside the city limits.
