Page 39 of Endless

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“You talked to him?”

He held up the phone. “I commandeered this in case I needed it last night.”

Last night.

“From this minute forward, I will not be without one of these. I couldn’t get to you fast enough last night. No idea where you were. No phone to call for help. Scared the shit out of me.” He sat up, shaking his head. “Drey said he’s picking one up for me on the way here.”

“Appointment? Or going to your place?”

“Doc needs to see me. Something about my skipping bail, I’m sure.”

Or not. Maybe Drey and the docs were going to finally tell him his condition is permanent. I hoped so. I hated keeping this secret. Felt absolutely wrong getting all comfortable with him. Kissing him. Falling for him, when I was lying to him. Or lying by omission. “I could go with you.”

“Yeah. If you want.” He let out a breath as if relieved I’d offered.

Why hadn’t he asked me to?

“So, cooking?”

“Eat out. Restaurant downstairs.”

“Nothing fancy, I hope, because I am wearing my nasties from last night.”

“I can order in.”

“Even better.” He felt his way off the bed. “Do I get a morning kiss? Or am I in the doghouse because I slept on your bed without asking?”

“Um…” He dragged his hand along the bed as he rounded the corner, then stopped. He quirked an eyebrow at me. It was almost as if he could see me!

“Should I get the dog collar?”

I laughed. “No, it’s okay.”

“Then get over here and kiss me, woman.”

That grin had me hustling to him. Only I didn’t kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his midsection, then rested my face on his bare chest and hugged tight.

He grunted but wrapped his arms around my shoulder and kissed my hair. “I got you, girl,” he whispered. “I got you.”

Chapter Nineteen


“Okay,Doc.Yougonnalock me up again for escaping jail yesterday?” I reached to my right and found Lizzie’s hand.

She must have met me halfway, because her fingers came in way sooner than I thought they would.

“That stunt you pulled was not cool. But, yeah, it was time to cut you loose.” Doc coughed, and I heard some shuffling beside me, to my right. It was Drey. He cleared his throat as well. The uneasy hung heavy in the air right now.

I squeezed Lizzie’s hand.

“Damon,” Drey said, his voice louder like he maybe turned to me. “We’ve got the final word on your situation.”

“Sweet! What’s my time frame to see again?” I sat up, holding my folded walking stick. “The first thing I’m gonna do is burn this damn thing.”

“Damon, hold on,” Drey said. “Shit.”

“What?” My gut flopped.

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