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I mean, who would? I barely did.

Chapter Four


Therewasthatvoiceagain, bringing me out of the darkness. It didn’t feel as thick and suffocating as last time.

The rhythm of her voice was constant, a little uplifting in some parts, with subtle pauses. She was reading. Yes. Some of the words came through.

“Admitted to rehab for help with a pain pill problem.” She laughed. “Again. This chick is so messed up.” Pages flipped, and I turned toward the sound. It was crisp and fast, like whoever was with me was flipping through the pages quickly. “I think there was another article in this one about her sister. I tell ya, those musicians should run the other way when they start hitting it big. Huh, Damon? You think? I mean it’s like fame equals drugs, lies, and cheating. It’s so sad.”

I laughed, at least I did inside my mind. This chick was funny. I loved her voice. It was high-pitched, but not annoyingly high. And she spoke the truth, too, brutally sometimes. But what was she doing sitting here all the time? Maybe she worked at the hospital, and it was her job?

“Screw this. Should I read a book or are we watching a movie tonight?”

That felt familiar. Yeah, she’d asked me that tons of times. It was mostly movies, though. And that’s when she cuddled. The feelings started swarming through my chest.

She couldn’t be a nurse then. Unless she was a naughty nurse.

Wake up, asshole. I had to see her. Had to see the mouth that the wonderful, soothing voice came from. She might have full lips. Or thin. Didn’t matter. I needed to see them. I bet she had a kick-ass smile if her voice was any indication. It sounded like she smiled a lot.

Shuffling from the left drew my attention.Open your eyes!I yelled at myself.

“I’m breaking out the big guns, Damon. So you better get ready, or Vin’s going to pound you. You hear me?”

Vin. Oh hell yeah, she meant Vin Diesel. That guy kicked ass. No way could a chick like him as much as me. Once again familiar words streamed into my mind from movies of his I’d seen. And the loud explosions, growling, and squealing tires.

Yes!Then again, this might be a dream. That’d be my luck. Or she’d run the other direction when she found out what a royal screw-up I was.

Hell, sheshouldrun the other direction. I was a mess.

An addict, gang member, and all around horrible person. So, hell yeah, she should run. Fast. And not stop.

But I had to see who she was first.

“Okay, scoot over, Damon. I’m coming up.”

I told my body to move, but of course it didn’t. I was getting tired of it not listening to me.


“Damon.” Two warm hands cupped my face. “Come on, D. Come on. You’re so close.”

No shit. I was so close I could almost taste her sweet breath. What was that? Sugar of some sort and bubble gum? Fingers combed through my hair, and I realized they swept across my forehead. I hated that feeling. Wait, my hair was long?

I drew in a deep breath, willing myself to open my eyes.Come on!

“There you go. Let me see your eyes. I’m dying to see what color blue they are. I have blue eyes, too. They’re dark, though. Almost not even blue, but let me see yours. I’m dying to, Damon. Please?”

Tender fingers fluttered over my face. Each side, then along my forehead. She had a little rhythm to her touch. Felt nice. Couldn’t remember the last time someone touched me like this. Walker’s chicks put out, because that was what they were paid for, but I was never into that shit. And the fellow gang chicks, well, they were tough. Mostly hooked on the shit, like I’d been.

Where was Walker? Drey?

I wasn’t sure how much time passed, but I felt someone lying beside me. I must have zonked out, because that familiar pressure along my cheek was back, and the gentle wisp of some hair against my face and neck.

Damn that felt good. What I wouldn’t do to move my arm around her and pull her closer. Seemed like she fit me perfectly.

“Remember what I said last night? That if you woke up during this movie I’d give you a prize?”

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