Page 6 of Endless

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A kiss. I remembered that. But the jerk I was, I fell asleep. Damn that sleep was pulling me down again…already?

Son of a bitch.

Chapter Five


“Roughnight?”IaskedAngelina, her face filling my iPad screen. “Where’s Hunter?”

Angelina scrubbed her face. “In bed. Will the nightmaresevergo away, Lizzie?”

She had dark bags under her eyes, her champagne-colored hair was disheveled, and strands of hair flailed all over. Although she was kicking ass, dealing with her agoraphobia, it still haunted her sometimes.

I understood that. Boy did I understand.

“At least the dreams aren’t every night. Remember those days?” I shivered, not from being cold, but from remembering the dreams. Hell, I’d had one last night. “But they’re not as bad anymore. You’re strong, and you have Hunter there.”

I wish I had someone who could ground me like he did her. Nestling back on the bed, I held up the device.

“How’s he doing?” Angelina asked.

“Fine. Moved a little more tonight, even moaned.” I grinned. “Maybe he’s having a good dream.”

“They dream when they’re in comas?”

“Sure. I bet they conjure up some wicked-awesome dreams.”

“It’s really righteous of you to be there so much, girl. Seriously. You’re making a difference, you know that, right?”

I shrugged. It wasn’t like I had anything else to do. Oh hell, who was I kidding? Iwantedto be here with Damon.

His big brother, Drey, was amazing. He was thoughtful, caring, and badass. I liked him a lot, so of course I was going to do anything I could to help his brother.

“You’re lying next to him, aren’t you?”

“Yeah. Comfy. And I can feel him breathing. It’s nice.”

“Soothing. Sometimes I’ll lay my head on Hunt’s chest to hear his heart. It really works when I’m having trouble sleeping.”

My heart pattered at the thought of setting my head on Damon’s chest. I could imagine it would be pretty freaking awesome. Combined with the breathing, I bet I’d be lulled right to sleep.

Which never happened. Always had to have a movie going until I fell asleep. “You think Damon would mind if I tried that out on him?”

She laughed. “Maybe it’d wake him up.


“You want me to send a driver?” Angelina asked, yawning. “Or are you trying the cab thing?”

I shook my head. No cabs for me.Ever.

I smoothed my shirt down.

“I can send—”

“Don’t worry. It’s almost two in the morning. I’ll just stay here. You coming in the morning?”

“Later morning. Hunt worked super late.”

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