Page 71 of Endless

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“Lizzie!” Drey stormed down the hallway. Two nurses practically dove out of his way he was moving so fast. And he was so big.

His hair was spiked, and he was wearing his standard issue white work shirt with The Rage stamped across the chest. And his amber eyes were flaming.

“Make them do something. He can’t have the addictive drugs!” I ran to Drey. “Where’s that doctor friend of yours?”

“Friday night. Probably at a bar.” Drey tugged me to the nurse’s station. “Damon Meyers. Recovering addict. Can’t have anything addictive. Make it happen. Page Dr. Mandrakeright now.”

“I told them already.” I smoothed my hand down my shirt. “Like fourteen thousand times. He’s hurting, Drey. Hurting so bad.”

“Come on.” He held my hand, and we charged into Damon’s room. “D-man. It’s Drey.”

“Do I have knives sticking out from my eyes?”

“Thought it was a new fashion statement,” Drey teased him. “Date night not turning out so great, huh?”

Tears burned my eyes. Drey reached for my hand, his eyes wide and sympathetic. They were always so expressive. The few times I’d talked with him on FaceTime while Angelina and Hunter were hooking up, I’d always thought that.

Damon had the same expressive eyes. Only they had more of a blank stare to them, since he couldn’t see anything. But they brightened when he laughed.

“The nurse said something about a cluster headache.”

“It’s going to be fine,” Drey said. “Can you help him calm down? That beach thing? I’m going to go back out there and wring some necks.”


He pulled me into a hug, and he smelled like sweat and sugar with a hint of smoke. “I’m sorry I called you away from work.”

“You did exactly the right thing, Lizzie.”

“Thanks for coming.”

“Always will.” He rushed out the door.

I took Damon’s hand. “Wanna go skinny-dipping?”

He laughed and palmed his temple. “This sucks ass!”

“If you wanted to get out of the date, you could have just said so.” I settled my hand on his chest.

“Shhh.” I took in a deep breath. “Breathe.” And let it out.

He did, too. But it was strained, and his breath hitched as his jaw tensed.

“The water is warm. Like bathwater. It’s on your toes. Feel it? Now it’s up to your heels. Warm and soothing. Feel it yet?”

He groaned.

“I do. I’m standing in it up to my ankles. The waves. The bluish green water is calling to me. The sun is so hot, sweat’s dribbling down. I need to dive in. Take a step with me.”

“Warm. What color is your suit?”

“You’re fixated on colors, huh? Red. Bikini. Andreallyskimpy. I’m stepping deeper. Follow me. Feel it? The sand is sweeping over our feet. My toes, they’re getting buried. It’s so soft. No rocks. Just white sand.” I rubbed his chest. “Breathe.”

His jaw clenched, but he drew in a deep breath. “Like. Your. Voice.”

“Nice and slow, release the breath. Let the water creep up. It’s warm. It’s caressing your calves. I’m holding your hand.” I gripped his a little tighter. “Leading you out there. Me and you. No one else.” I rubbed his forearm with my free hand. “Breathe. The air is fresh. The breeze subtle. The water’s up to your thighs now.”

“Thighs.” He grinned, but it was quickly followed by a grimace.

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