Page 8 of Endless

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Chapter Six


Fortheloveofeverything holy—and not holy—it was like I was climbing through a vat of tar trying to wake up. I heard sounds, but they were muffled, like I was underwater.

Where’d that chick’s voice go, though? I wanted to hear more of that.

“Damon!” I recognized through the fuzz that it was Drey.

“Drey!” I said, but I knew it didn’t come out. No vibration in my throat again. So, I was dreaming after all. I thought for sure I touched someone. The one with the voice. The girl. Yes. I kissed her. Well, tried to. I couldn’t see shit.

Then again, it had to be a dream. I wouldn’t just kiss her. Of course, she didn’t kiss me back, so maybe she was still in shock. Hell, I was. I’d been sleeping this entire time? God, I felt heavy. Tired.

And why was everything so damn dark?

Felt like I’d swallowed acid, too, for how much my throat burned. “Water! Can anyone hear me?”

“He’s falling under again,” a new voice said. Didn’t recognize that one. But one thing I did feel was a prick in my arm.

Son of a bitch that hurt.

“Damon. Come on, man. Come on,” Drey said. A hand seized mine, and the grip was tight.

Drey. He always did that. He was my big brother. I’d fucked up so bad with him. With Mom. “Mom.”

“Damon. I’m going to kick your ass, man, if you don’t open those eyes again. Come on, you stubborn son of a bitch. I will not lose you, too. You hear me, man? You hear me?” His voice blasted through the fog in my mind.

Lose me, too?Shit. Mom died. She died.

I’d seen it, too. Hell, I knew it when I ran into her. Felt like a steel blade to the windpipe hearing Drey. The pain in his voice. The concern.

Sarah? Did Walker get Sarah?

I wanted to ask.Wake up, asshole!

“Come on, D. Please?” That amazing voice was back.

I told myself to move. I needed to be closer to that amazing voice.

“He moved. Yes!” Drey said. “Keep talking, Lizzie.”

Lizzie.I liked it. “Liz…”

A soft hand, smaller than mine, from what I could tell, touched my hand. “Remember I said Vin was going to come in and kick your ass if you didn’t wake up?”

She’d also said I’d get a kiss if I woke up during the movie. That felt like a dream, but maybe it wasn’t.

She waggled our connected hands. “Come on, D. Open your eyes again. I need to see the color again. They were purple, right?”

Screw that. Purple eyes. I laughed. “Blue.”

A gasp followed.

Clawing through the dark, this strange woman’s voice my beacon, I yelled at myself to open my eyes again. I had to see the source of this voice.

A stream of heat roared through my lungs as I shouted, “Lizzie.”

Her grip on me tightened, and another set of hands settled on my shoulders. “There you go,” Lizzie said. “Oh, so they’re not purple.”

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