Page 63 of When I Come Home

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“Jesus, Thea, you're so fucking tight.” He releases a deep groan, then runs his lips along my calf in a series of tiny kisses.

“Why aren't you calling me princess?” I'm barely able to get the words out between my gasps and moans, but the sudden absence of my nickname has been confusing me all night.

Cole's thrusts slow but don't stop completely. Drawing in and out in the most toe-curling of paces, he looks me in the eye, holding me captive in his wild gaze. “'Cause princesses don't get fucked the way I'm about to fuck you.”

“And how's that?”

He cocks a smug eyebrow. “Like a slut.”

“I'm not a slut.”

“For me you are.” Then, he draws back his hips and pounds into me, dropping his body on top of mine so that he can pull at my earlobe with his teeth. My ankles are still draped around his neck, with my knees almost hitting the mattress on either side of me. He's turned me into a contortionist, but goddamn if it doesn't feel good.

It's ecstasy how this man is making me feel. Every touch, every pump of his hips, every dirty word out of his mouth lights a fuse inside of me that could go off at any moment. And I know damn well that it will destroy me when it does.

“That's right, baby. That's real fucking good.”

He thrusts deeper and I swear I see stars constellating behind my eyes. Biting hard into his shoulder, I go rigid as an orgasm slams into me with unrestrained violence.

“Say my fucking name,” he growls.

I don't say his name. I scream it.

Over and over as excruciating pleasure holds me hostage, refusing to let go until I'm utterly ruined, his name is a sordid prayer cried relentlessly into the crook of his neck.

I'm being flipped onto my hands and knees before I've even returned to Earth, Cole fitting himself inside me once more. His hand comes down on my ass, slapping it hard enough to leave a handprint. And I want him to do it again.

Backing myself into him, I try to take his cock deeper, only for another spank to land hard on my still-stinging ass cheek.

“You need more?” He laughs and the sound is so dark it sends shivers down my spine. “You've come twice already, greedy girl.”

It sounds like a criticism, but I know better. He's praising me. I can hear it in his voice, how proud he is that I'm not shying away from my desire for him or letting it embarrass me. I'm owning it. And I can tell how much it pleases him.

It's because of that that I refuse to stop grinding myself into him. My lips part, a gasp escaping, as I fuck myself on his dick.

I've never had sex like this before. Never wanted someone so badly that I've completely disregarded my dignity and just let my body take the lead. With the men I've been with previously, sex has always been treated as a business exchange. Always respectful, always polite, always boring. For a while, I thought sex was simply something I didn't enjoy.

Guess the problem was that I wasn't getting fucked the right way.

Cole's hand comes down hard on my ass again and I shriek. Holding my shoulders, he fucks me with animalistic ferocity. He's brutal, but my god, it's so good.

Being with him like this, with the most savage parts of our souls exposed, is more than anything I could have imagined. It's raw and intense, but absolutely perfect.

“Gonna need you to come again for me, baby“ he grunts, pressing on my head to push my face into the mattress. “Your pussy is too damn good.”

“I can't,” I pant, grabbing fistfuls of the bed sheet as if it will help alleviate some of the pressure I'm feeling. It won't, though. The only thing that will help is another orgasm, but I'm terrified of letting it happen. I'm convinced the next one will kill me.

“I don't care. You're gonna give it to me anyway.” He draws my hair into his fist and pulls, forcing my back to arch and my face to tilt up toward the ceiling. “Give me what I want, Thea. I've fucking earned it.”

I feel like I'm drowning in pleasure or being burned by it from the inside out. It's an unbearable sensation, too powerful to carry on, yet too damn good to stop. I have no choice but to do as Cole demands and give him what he's asking for.

With an ungodly cry, I sob my release into the mattress. My entire body trembles with the force of it. It's a sea storm of an orgasm that washes over me in devastating waves, lighting my soul on fire and sending light dancing across my vision. It’s as if the Aurora Borealis is shimmering all around me.

“That's it, fuck, that's it.” Cole curses as he wrenches himself out of me.

I'm only half aware of him fisting his dick over my ass, jerking it until cum spurts out in hot ribbons and paints my milky skin.

His forehead drops to rest on the small of my back as we both fight to catch our breath. I'll have creases on my face from being pressed to the bed sheets I'm sure, but I don't care. I'll cherish the reminder of what just happened between us. I'd bottle up the memory if I could.
