Page 64 of When I Come Home

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What we just did together was savage and dirty and rough. But it was also vulnerable and poignant. We connected in a way that we wouldn't have been able to if we'd fucked with more restraint. If we'd held back even the slightest amount, it may not have been as soul-shattering as it was. We were feral, but we were real and it was everything I didn't know I needed.

And, damn, I can't wait to do it again.

“Do you always fuck like that?”Thea asks after I've cleaned us both up and pulled her into my arms beneath the bed covers. With her breaths still labored and her cheeks flushed the color of love, I swear she's the physical manifestation of my most carnal desires.

I hesitate for a moment, wondering what to say. “I'm never gentle, princess. But I haven't ever lost control the way I did with you tonight, if that's what you're asking.”

I feel her soft smile against my chest as her hand slides up to rest right over my heart. Covering it with my own, I link our pinky fingers together.

“I liked it.”

“Yeah?” I question with an air of vulnerability. “I didn't take it too far?”

She tilts her face up to gaze up at me beneath dark, fluttering lashes, a small crease of concern on her forehead. “No, not at all.”

“What about some of the things I said?” A small ball of dread turns over in my stomach at the thought that I was too rough with her or said the wrong thing.


“Even the slut thing?”

The corners of her mouth crinkle into the sweetest of smiles, amusement shimmering in the emerald of her irises. “Can't say anyone's ever called me a slut before. But...” She pauses to bite bashfully at her bottom lip. “I think I liked it.”

I blow out a long breath of relief and rest my cheek against her head. Her hair tickles my face, but I don't care. I'm holding the girl I've been obsessed with since I was a teenager in my arms after having just made violent love to her in the very same bed where I've dreamt of her every night for years.

“Good. I didn't know if it would be too much after what you told me,” I admit.

Her eyes narrow and she exhales a breath of frustration through her nose. “You don't need to swaddle me in bubble wrap or treat me with kid gloves just because something shitty happened a long time ago. I'm not damaged.”

“I know you're not damaged. I just wanted to check that you were comfortable, that's all.”

“Oh.” Her body relaxes as some of her defensiveness slips away.

“Are you sore?”

She gives me a smile that is somehow both innocent and brazen at the same time. “A bit.”


Her mouth falls open. “You want me to be sore?”

“Sure do, princess.” Lowering my face to brush my lips over hers, I whisper against them, “I don't want a day to pass when you don't feel me inside of you.”

I watch in satisfaction as the pink in her cheeks deepens. “A little sadistic of you, no?”

“Maybe.” I shrug. “You love it, though.”

“Guess I do.”

Her eyelashes flutter closed as she sighs contently against my chest. She must be exhausted after the last few hours, not only physically, but mentally too. And maybe I should do the kind thing and let her fall asleep, but I can't. I'm still reeling from being able to touch her like this, skin on skin, soul to soul.

I don't know what happens tomorrow. Truth be told, I'm scared we'll go back to resenting each other as soon as dawn breaks. So, I cling to the moment we're living in right now, knowing it's the only time I have with her that's guaranteed.

“Who would've thought we'd be here after all the shit we've been through, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“You and me, naked in my bed,” I clarify. “We've done nothing but yell at each other since you've been back.”
