Page 22 of Valkyrie's Choice

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“Yes,” I cried, flinging my arms around him as my wings fluttered behind me.

“See? You’re not losing me, baby.” He stroked his fingers along my feathers. “Instead, Screaming Woods is gaining a new business, along with another resident.”

“Another resident?” I echoed, my eyes widening. “Is Heath going to move here too?”

Cooper nodded. “Yup, I think he’ll fit in here nicely since he won’t have to worry about anyone staring at his scars.”

I beamed a smile at him, thrilled that he would have his best friend nearby. “That’s one of the best things about living in Screaming Woods—the lack of judgment.”

“No, you’re the best thing,” he disagreed, emotion blazing from his blue orbs. “At least for me, but I’m not sharing. You’re mine and only mine.”

I patted his chest. “You won’t get any arguments from me.”

“Good, now that you’re not worried about me leaving, how about we eat?” he suggested with a sexy grin. “You’ll need the energy later since we have a lot to celebrate.”

I laughed and shook my head. “Yeah, I guess I can eat now that I realize all my worrying was for nothing.”

“You should’ve told me sooner,” he chided, getting up to cross over to the kitchen area. “I would have explained what I was thinking if I’d had any idea you thought me getting my eyesight back meant that I was heading back to California.”

“You’re right, I should have. I guess it will take some adjustment on my end to being in a relationship.” I got up and peered inside the bag he’d just opened, my stomach rumbling now that I knew Cooper loved me and would move in with me. “I never really had anyone to share everything with until you.”

“This is all new to me too, baby. But we’re going to learn together.” He dug through the bag and handed me a box with a BLT and fries. “Speaking of sharing, I ordered for you too.”

“Thanks.” I dug into my sandwich, moaning at how delicious it was and earning myself a heated look from Cooper. But he didn’t act on the sensual promise in his eyes…yet. Instead, he wolfed down his own food before setting his box on the counter and reaching for one of my fries.

I gently swatted at his hand and wagged my finger at him. “When I said everything, I didn’t mean my favorite fries.”

“Remind me to order extra for myself next time,” he grumbled.

He looked so disappointed that I felt sorry enough for him to hand him a couple of my precious fries. “Get double for me too please. Or else I might need to ask Maggie to whip up another potion for you. Only this one will…darn, I can’t think of what I’d want it to do because I don’t want your hair to fall out or anything to happen to your dick. But trust me, it won’t be good.”

“Really? That’s how you’re going to play this?” he growled, placing my now-empty container on the counter next to his. Then he tossed me over his shoulder and stalked over to the bed…where we celebrated our future together with plenty of orgasms.



Despite my accident, I’d taken to flying a plane again with ease. But then, it had always seemed like an extension of myself. Which was probably one of the reasons I felt so connected to my wife. Her ability to fly was an actual extension of her body. Taking to the sky was as natural as breathing, and I loved being in the air, whether it was with the wings of my Valkyrie or the wings of my plane.

Although, when we found out Isla was pregnant—not planned, but not really a surprise since I’d never bothered to use a condom—I’d put my foot down about her staying grounded. However, when I mentioned it to her doctor, she just laughed and informed me that it was safer for Isla to fly on her own than in my plane or even driving a car.

I’d relented until she hit seven months, and her center of gravity was too precarious to be fully in control. One night, she mentioned how much she missed it, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Why does that make you happy?” she grumbled adorably.

We were sitting on the couch, in front of a roaring fire, in the large, beautiful log cabin we’d built in the forest. I pulled her onto my lap, straddling me so that her gorgeous wings weren’t in the way. She was sitting a little farther back because of the big, swollen belly between us. I smoothed my hand over our baby and gazed lovingly into Isla’s emerald-green eyes.

“I love that you’re finally happy with who you are, baby. I want you to see yourself through my eyes and believe in the joy and beauty that make up my amazing wife.”

Isla sighed, her expression turning soft. “I don’t need anyone’s acceptance but yours. And you remind me every day that who I am is perfect for you, just like you’re perfect for me.”

Leaning forward, I brushed a kiss over her mouth, then tenderly rubbed her bump again. “Our baby girl will be just as perfect as her mommy.”

Isla had tried to hide it, but I knew she was worried about the possibility of our child being born with wings. Personally, I was hoping for it. I wanted a little mini Isla running around our house.

“I don’t want her to feel different,” she whispered.

“Why? Being unique is what makes us special. And it’s not as though she’ll have to go through the same experience as you. She won’t ever know what it was like to be without wings, and she’ll grow up knowing she is cherished beyond measure, surrounded by people who will give her the confidence to love who and what she is.”
