Page 5 of Valkyrie's Choice

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The woman laughed again and shrugged. “Sorry about Eli. He has terrible manners when his head disappears.”

I blinked again and shook my head because I had to be imagining things. Then I opened my eyes. Nope, still there.

“Yep,” she snickered as she flicked her long black hair over her shoulder. “We’re real. The headless horseman and the Wicked Witch of the West, at your service, sir.”

A sigh sounded from the man, whose name was apparently Eli. “Maggie, baby, I think he’s startled enough by what he’s seeing, you don’t need to make it worse by bringing up unbelievable fairy tales.”

I canted my head to the side and mumbled, “If you’re real…maybe she is, too.”

The woman—Maggie—raised an eyebrow. “She? Are you looking for someone in particular?”

My shoulders hunched as I grunted, “Honestly, I have no clue. I’m starting to wonder if I never woke up from my accident. Maybe I’m lying in a hospital bed somewhere, still in a coma, and this is all a dream.”

Maggie tapped her lips as she considered me thoughtfully. Then smiled. “Sounds like an interesting story. How about we swap?”

“Swap?” I asked, one corner of my mouth lifting. Her enthusiasm, coupled with her bubbly personality, amused me.

She winked and exclaimed, “Sure! Haven’t you ever wanted to know the true story behindThe Wizard of Oz?”

Eli’s hand raised and scratched the air. I couldn’t help chuckling at the odd sight.

“His head is still there,” Maggie informed me with a giggle. “It’s just invisible.” She lifted a hand and knocked. Obviously, I didn’t hear anything, but I got her point.

I’d been in a constant state of grouchy since I had arrived at the cabin. It felt good to laugh.

“Okay then, I accept. You first.”

Maggie grinned wickedly and waved her arms in the air. At first, I thought it was random, but an object began to take shape, and I realized she traced the outline of a mirror. Snippets from the movieThe Wizard of Ozplayed inside the frame when it was fully formed. Then, as she began to speak, still images popped up, showing vivid tableaux of the scenes she described as she weaved a very different chain of events concerning an evil cousin, a bratty kid named Dorothy, and some stolen, sparkly red shoes.

When she finished, she waved her hand, and the mirror dissipated.

“Wow,” I breathed. “I expected your side of the story to align more with the musical that’s supposedly about you,” I teased.

Maggie rolled her eyes and huffed, “Yeah well, nobody’s bothered to ask me the real story.”

Eli suddenly twisted around and grasped Maggie’s waist before lifting her and settling her across his lap. I saw an impression in her hair and guessed that he was kissing her head. “No one needs to know the truth but me and you, baby. Fuck the rest of the world.”

She beamed at him, and my heart twisted for a moment, envious of the clear love and deep connection between them.

“That’s true,” I agreed, “but nonetheless, I believe you.”

Maggie nodded matter-of-factly and made a “go on” gesture. “Your turn.”

I chewed on the words for a few moments, having trouble with the idea of relaying my story to someone else. Jase hadn’t laughed or made fun of me, but he had been unable to school his expression completely. I’d seen his worry that my brain had been permanently scrambled.

However, as my eyes roamed over the couple once more, I reminded myself that if anyone would believe me, it would be these two.

My mouth opened, and the entire story spilled out, starting from the moment my plane failed until I was standing in front of them telling my story.

Throughout the narrative, Maggie’s expression had changed a few times. Going from surprise, to speculation, and finally listening to the rest in thoughtful contemplation.

Silence followed the end of my tale, and I waited, a little nervous, for their response.

Maggie tapped her very slightly pointed chin and asked, “Like some kind of Valkyrie, you say?”

I shrugged. “Or some kind of winged creature, who also happened to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.” I glanced up at Maggie and apologized, “No offense.”

Maggie laughed, and the sound mixed with Eli’s deep chuckle.
