Page 37 of Claiming Ally

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“I think I’d like to do that, then.”

“That’s great. Everyone’ll be happy with that.”

“Can I have one extra person, though?”

“Sure you can. Is it a friend from school?”


“Oh, a mystery guest. Who?”


Like father, like son. “We can ask her, and if she’s not working then, I’m sure she’d love to come.”


“Don’t be disappointed if she has to work, though, okay?”

“I won’t.”

It hadn’t escaped my notice that my and Ally’s paths didn’t seem to cross quite as much as they used to. I guessed it was because she was avoiding me, and fair enough, that was her prerogative. Anyway, I was way too busy focusing on Jesse to deal with it. But that’s why I’d given him the warning that she might be working, because when I invited her, it was going to be with that get out clause already attached.

I said good night to Jesse and stepped out of his room, grabbing my phone from my back pocket.



I held the phone in my hand, staring at the screen and wondering what to say for a ridiculously long time. I wanted, desperately, for her to say yes to the invitation. The fact that I couldn’t tell how much of that desperation was for me and how much was for Jesse made me uncomfortable.

Allegra:Is everything all right?

Me:Yeah,everything’s fine. I just had something I wanted to ask you.

Allegra:Go ahead.

Me:I don’t know if you know this, but it’s Jesse’s birthday soon and he wants to have a little family party.Another pause that was far too long, because maybe I was going a bit bonkers.

Allegra:Nice! Did you want us to cater it?

Oh fuck! She thought I wanted to hire her.

Me:Not exactly. When I asked him what sort of party he wanted, with his friends or with the family, he chose family. Then he asked if he could invite one more person and that person was you.

Allegra:I see.

I had no idea what to make of that, but my heart sank a little.

Me:I let him know that you might need to work and not to be disappointed if you couldn’t make it.

Those three dots appeared on the screen, then disappeared, then appeared again. I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until I blew it out when I read her eventual reply.

Allegra:I’m touched that he thought of me. I would love to come. I’m sure I can change things around if I’m scheduled to work, just tell me when please?

Me:It’s the 11th, which is a Friday night.

Allegra:Great, thanks.

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