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No, it’s just too humiliating. God, I can’t believe how childish I was. I can’t believe how much of a big deal I made of everything. What a terrible summer that was…

“Angelica,” Mom calls up the stairs, making me jump. I spent the last year living alone in a studio apartment, so I’m going to have some adjusting to do to get used to living with people again. “Dinner is ready. Are you ready to eat or do you want me to warm it up later?”

“Yeah, coming,” I call back, but I don’t move right away. I really do feel a bit like a teen again, already rebelling against my mother’s commands. “I’ll eat now, thanks.”

But eventually my stomach gets the better of me. It’s rumbling and desperate for a home-cooked meal. I have to admit I haven’t exactly eaten well while I’ve been away. But that isn’t going to be enough to make me feel happy about being back. I had to sacrifice my freedom to be back home, and my sanity as well. All because the publishing startup company that I got a graduate job with after college fell apart, leaving me with nothing. It didn’t pay well, and self-help books definitely aren’t therapy, which is the area I’m trained to work in, but it gave me a space to be in the world. It gave me a home and a place where I felt likeme.

The collapse of the business sent me into an immediate panic. I triedeverythingto restart my life. I even tried to see it as an opportunity to get me in to the real world, but nothing panned out for me, and my meager savings didn’t last long. I guess it’s just typical that a Cape May company hired me right away, bringing me right back home. Tragically meant to be.

I really do feel like I’ve taken many steps back in life. My shoulder slump at that thought.

Mom and Dad are clearly pleased to have me back. They jumped at the chance to bring me home. I have to admit, I haven’t been the best at visiting, but I was just so freaking busy. Life always had me on the go, it seemed. Ignoring my family wasn’t something I meant to do.

They aredefinitelygoing to drive me up the wall a bit with their looming over me now that I’m here. I make up my mind to reach out to Tina because I need to get out of here as soon as I can. Being back in the role of daughter is great but it’s already getting just a little bit stifling.

I do love my parents, of course I do, but having them all up in my personal space will be a lot. Especially with my life up in the air. Everything is a mess and I really need to find a way to get my whole existence back together. Somehow.

“Wow, Tina, you’re right. The Tavernisreally busy on a Friday night,” I laugh as I call out over the sound of the music. “I amlovingthis vibe. It’s so cool.”

Sure, it’s nothing like the city bars I’ve become accustomed to but Cape May actually does have a lot more to offer than I remembered it having when I was a kid.

“Itisgreat, isn’t it?” Tina lifts her cocktail up to clink it against mine. “I love it here. It’s just one of the reasons why I’m glad I never really left. I know I did college, but as soon as I could get out of ice-cold Alaska, I was back here.”

“Tell me everything.” I would much rather listen to Tina and learn about her life than worry about my own. Ugh, I need a break from my brain for a while and from the drama of my existence. “What happened in Alaska? How was college? What’s happening here?”

“Well, as you know, at the time I wanted to get as far away from Cape May as possible…”

“You definitely achieved that,” I reply wryly as I take a much-needed swig of my drink. “The only other thing you could have done was left the country completely.”

“I know.” She rolls her eyes. “But Alaska was far enough away, and for a while I loved it. Ireallyloved it. It was fun, a bit of a party school which was great for me, and good for studying. But eventually the homesickness started to creep in, and I just kept missing home. Funny for someone who couldn’t get away quick enough.”

“Wow, yeah, I have to admit I really am shocked that you’re here. Glad though,” I reassure her quickly. “I wouldhatebeing back even more if you weren’t here, too.”

Tina grins ear to ear. “Girl, I’m glad to have you here as well. The town hasn’t been the same without you. Everything is going to get so much better now. I mean, I already love my job at City Hall, but now I get to have more of a social life! Dating is fun, but nothing is better than girl time. Especially with someone I have so many memories with.”

We clink our glasses together once more, laughing loudly. This side of feeling like a teenager once more is nostalgic and fun. Being back with Tina makes me feel a whole lot lighter. The heaviness weighing down on me that has been there ever since the publishing company collapsed isn’t quite so powerful anymore. Tina has helped to remind me that not everything is as serious as it feels. As teens we were always full of hope and looking towards what we could do with life, and that doesn’t have to change now.

We’re still young, only twenty-six years old, and the future is still our oyster. Maybe all of this will be for the best, I mean at least I get to be a therapist for real now, right? That’s something!

Tina and I drink maybe a little too much, but who cares? I’m giddy and excitable for the first time in a very long time, and I’ve been laughing so hard that my sides hurt. Other people have been filtering in and out of the bar as they head out to other places to party, but we remain right where we are, catching up and having a good time.

“…so, then Patrick tried to deny that he was even using dating apps,” Tina exclaims. “And I think his fiancée actually believed him, which is just so crazy.”

“Wow, so the guys here are just as terrible as those I’ve left behind,” I declare with a grimace. “That’s good to know. My dating life has been one failure after another since I left for college. I haven’t met anyone who isn’t into love bombing and ghosting, or just totally crazy…”

“Guys are bad everywhere.” Tina makes a dismissive gesture with her hand. “I think that’s true wherever you go in the world. You just need to try and find the good ones.”

I can’t help but wonder what it feels like to find a good guy. The closest I’ve felt too settled and content with someone is Marc, but that doesn’t really mean anything because it was just a childish crush. I have no idea what love feels like, but I can’t wait to find out…

“Oof!” The crowd gets a little rowdy and someone knocks into the back of me. I try to grab my drink before it tips over completely and spills everywhere, but it’s too late. It makes a mess, much to my dismay. “Oh shit, sorry about that. Some idiot can’t handle his drink.”

I turn to face the man attached to the voice, and before I can snap at him for being clumsy and causing this mess, my words stop dead in my throat. Who the hell isthis? He’s gorgeous. I don’t think this is just the beer goggles—he is a real hottie. Tall, dark, with chiseled cheekbones and broad shoulders that are to die for. He’s one of those men that are so handsome they actually leave me speechless. I haven’t met many of them before, but wow. He isit.

“I will get someone over here to mop you up, and buy you a new drink as well,” he says in a chocolatey smooth voice which sends a shudder down my spine. God damn it, even his words are intoxicating and sexy as hell. “Both of you. Looks like you were drinking cocktails, right? I will make sure you get another. In fact, I will take care of your tab all night long.”

Tina shoots me a look, showing me that she’s just as impressed by this hunk as I am. She probably knows him, too, since everyone knows everyone around here. I’m especially impressed because he’s about to take care of our bill for the night. That’s a great way to make it up to me…
