Page 1 of Friend or Foe

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Chapter 1:Meeting Him

Walking on the busy streets of New York, she came across a group of reporters gathered in front of a tall skyscraper, which she was sure belonged to one of the popular billionaires. It seemed that something big had happened, or they had gotten wind of an evil and mischievous act. Since she was in search of a job and needed it desperately, she decided to find out what was going on.

“Hello, good morning,” she approached a group of female reporters and greeted them with a smile.

“Hmmm,” one of the female reporters hummed in reply while the rest were busy with the supposed big news, talking in hushed voices.

“Please, can I know what’s going on?” She asked as politely as possible but only got a strange stare from the lady as a reply. Thinking she was the only one being looked at that way, she tried to explain herself, only to be stopped before she was started by another person altogether.

“You mean you don’t know what’s happening today!?” The voice of a middle-aged man startled her to no end. Turning to look at him, she noticed the eyes of most of the reporters drilling holes in her body. Shifting uncomfortably on her feet, she tried to reply, only to get pushed out of the way with shouts of excitement.

Huffing, she bent over, trying to recover from the sudden shock that took over her when she started hearing questions being asked to someone without a reply.

“Mr. Jasper, how do you feel about your coronation as the new head of the Valentino family?”

“Is it true that your father’s death was a rumor, and he’s actually alive?”

“Do you mind sharing the reason for the news of the fake death?”

“We heard another rumor of your plans to give out scholarships to the less privileged, is that true?”

Standing straight to see the person being interviewed, her vision got obstructed as another reporter ran over and took the little opportunity she had. Being determined to see the face of this supposed new head of the family, she rushed over, behaving like a reporter, as she struggled to reach the front row. But then, luck was far from her as this new head decided it was the best time to start walking into the company.

She joined the fearless reporters who rushed in to obstruct him as if they could, and on doing that, she caught a glimpse of the face of the supposed new head, and her feet got stuck to the floor. “Isn’t this Jasper?” she questioned no one in particular. She could feel her ears buzzing, and the crowd now made her feel sick.

Maybe she shouldn’t have tried so hard to see one of the American billionaires because right now, she desperately wished that she had used that time and energy doing something else entirely, maybe continuing with her job hunting. She was sure she would have gotten picked for a job with the amount of energy she wasted on this. Glaring hard at the cold-looking man who didn’t know what was going on in the mind of the young lady, she scoffed.

“Hey, young lady, get out of the way if you know you have a different mission from interviewing him!” another young female reporter rudely said to her, almost pushing her down.

“My bad, I’ll be off,” she said since the lady’s yell attracted the attention of other reporters. Before she finally left, she gave one last hard glare at Jasper, who was just about to enter the already-opened door.


“Is anything the matter, Boss?” his assistant asked because of the sudden pause from Jasper. With his eyes scanning the crowd for any threat, he shook his head to signify that everything was fine.

‘My instinct can’t be wrong. I really felt someone’s glare from the crowd of reporters.’ He thought to himself while taking long strides to the private elevator only preserved for him.


Walking along the busy street, she sighted an ice cream stand still about to be opened. Lost in her thoughts, she walked up to the stand and demanded a cup of ice cream and the seller who was not ready to lose a customer stopped his activity to attend to her.

Sitting at the place reserved for customers, she slurps it absent-mindedly as the actions of the past played before her like a movie.

Chapter 2:New Girl

“Are you sure she can do it?” asked a middle-aged man with mixed emotions on his face.

“What? Don’t you trust your daughter’s ability?” replied his wife with a question.

“It’s not that I don’t trust her ability; the fact is that I’m worried she might get her hopes high only for them to be dashed against the rocks,” he replied, stroking his beard, a habit he formed whenever he was anxious or in deep thoughts.

“I’m sure she thought about the possibility of failing already, don’t you think?”

“I know, but…”

“Okay, that’s enough. I don’t know why you would suddenly have this type of thought on the day of her test.”

“But, Mildred…”
