Page 19 of Friend or Foe

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He didn't know what transpired between his son and a girl who happened to be among the students he awarded scholarships to; all he knew was that he noticed his son's sudden interest in York City and decided to send him there, which transformed him.

Chapter 15:My Heart Led the Way

To everyone who knew him before, he was a troublesome and badly-behaved teenager who had turned over a new leaf for some reason. But instead of becoming someone friendly and open, he became aloof, almost without any emotions, always wearing the same facial expression no matter the situation. This led people to conclude that he never felt anything. It was only known to him and his workers that he had a soft spot for one person, and that was the girl he had defiled.

One of the new characteristics he developed was an obsession with obtaining new information about Jane. He had read the document on her background several times and could talk about her and the things that happened to her in the past as if he were her ancestor who had been watching from the realm of the spirits. He knew about her every step and decision; when she woke up in the morning and when she went to bed at night. He had always had his guards tail her and keep him updated on her activities. Whenever she became sick, he would worry excessively. When she found it difficult to pay her fees, he would start ranting about how she could have easily accepted his offer back then and still sit back helplessly, as he could do nothing to help her.

Stalking her had become his way of life, and he would do it whenever he was less busy to know what she was up to. He noticed that this action of his scared her, but he could not help it and continued to do so, albeit more discreetly. In doing this, he would offer his help in any way he could to make life better for her, even if it meant helping the whole school or a large number of people under another name to make it look normal and less suspicious.

"Drive to her street," he demanded.

"But you are supposed to be in"

"I said drive, or you'll get sacked," his authoritative voice boomed in the car.

This was not the first time he had done this; at first, he ordered his men to go, but after a while, he went by himself whenever he was free. Now, he went on a whim, not minding that he had to skip something very important. It had become a matter of concern, and his workers wondered if they should report this to his father.

"If words should reach my dad’s ears about this, you all will regret ever working for me," he threatened, causing his driver to nod.

"Now drive, park at the usual spot," he commanded.

"Yes, sir."

"Good," he replied, holding his telescope with absolute care.

Upon reaching the spot where he would normally park his car, he brought out his telescope to look through the window. He saw the family happily having their breakfast, and after catching a glimpse of the couple, his eyes fell on the girl in the middle of the duo. She was his favorite person, and he wouldn't mind looking at her all day without tiring out.

"You can leave," he told the man in the driver's seat without removing his eyes from the telescope.

"Excuse me?" the driver asked out of shock.

"Do I always need to repeat myself?" he finally turned to look at the driver. Annoyance was etched on his face.

"But I need to drive and protect you; it's my job," the driver said but didn't get any response except for the impatient face of Jasper, who grew more and more impatient.

"I'll be..."


"Sorry, sir," the man apologized and scurried out of the car for his dear life.

Taking a deep breath as if to remain calm, Jasper turned to continue his act only to see that Jane wasn't in the dining room anymore.

"Damn, driver!" he yelled, hitting the car seat.

Trying to see if he could spot her, he saw her walking out of her residence after bidding her parents goodbye. It seemed she was off to school for some extracurricular activity.

"What should I do with you?" he asked helplessly.

"I've come to realize that I like you. Scratch that. I don't just like you; I love you," he confessed, looking at her with utmost care and love in his eyes.

"What should I do, Jane? I'm not bold enough to ask for forgiveness, and I still can't get rid of the growing feeling I have for you. I feel like I'm going insane, Jane," he said as the rims of his eyes turned red. He was trying his best not to shed any tears.

"I was stupid, Jane," he said as the girl left his sight, walking further into the almost lonely street.

He burst into tears, unable to control how he felt. This was the reason he sent the driver out of the car; he didn't want anyone to see him in this miserable state.

"I was so foolish that I didn't realize my feelings earlier on. I hate myself for daring to take extreme measures just to satisfy my ego... I..." he could not continue as his throat got blocked because of the intense emotion he felt.
