Page 67 of Tricked By Fate

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“Hi, can I sit here?”

I nodded. “I’m almost done, but sure. How are you liking it here?” I think the guy’s name was Rife. He was the one that Devon had damn near killed. I still wished I’d have been there when Kiara got to hear all about the past. Still, she saw him as perfect, and that was what she needed. I had a few of my own issues, although none so bad as killing an entire pack.

“Is it normal for the other packs to come here?”

The juice was tart compared to the syrup as I choked it down.

“Sure. Well, this is another change we’re trying, I guess. Everyone agrees that fated mates make for happier wolves. Looking forward to finding yours?”

His face fell.

“Yeah, me either.”

I swallowed the last bite.

“Everyone’s heading to the falls today, unless you’re on duty. Will you be there?”

I watched him and my fucking bleeding heart.

“Look, that sausage didn’t do anything to you. Just either eat it and let’s go or don’t. But either way, let’s go enjoy the last warm day of the year.”

Fuck. I didn’t want new friends.

“Thanks for the invitation. Have you seen Kiara?”

I just nodded.

Devon? How is she?

He didn’t answer, but I figured that was pretty typical these days.

“Have you heard anything about the order of the whatever?” We shortened the name of the little organization that had traumatized far too many. Most of the girls that we’d saved and some that we’d intercepted pretty recently didn’t have anywhere to go.

“No. The triad is working with their witches, but the tracking spells seem to miss without anything personal on the other side.”

I grunted. We’d been so close to ending at least one part of some bigger problem and instead we’d walked away and were near back to square one.

“Right. So okay. Kiara was thinking that the girls might want to be reunited or some kind of self-help shit. So we have that going for us. Let’s go. Race you to the falls.”

That’s it. That was all I had to say. I wasn’t working with this guy.

But as we got up, I caught a fragrance that had my wolf pawing to get out. What the ever-loving fuck?

“The first pack just arrived. Should we ask them to the falls?”

I didn’t hear a damn word that kid said. I was too busy walking my ass to the door, following that sent like I was a fucking bloodhound.

The only thing that stopped me?

She’s pregnant, Colt. I’m going to be a dad.

Yup. I was fucking jealous.
