Page 29 of Bone

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“Nope,” she laughed. “In some ways, it gets harder. Eagle’s not old, but he’s also not young any longer. He’s still the best shot we have, but it doesn’t make me worry less.”


“Yea, hun?”

“I really love your son,” said Londyn, staring at the older woman. Tinley smiled at her, nodding her head.

“I know, honey. And he really loves you.”


With the men on the three choppers, Evie, Chipper, and Savannah at the sticks, they took off for the short ride to Houston. Although Asia wasn’t happy about it, Molly had flown the cargo jet over with the vehicles in it and additional ammunition.

The men checked and re-checked their weapons, just like any other mission. Looking identical in almost every way, they wore black tactical gear with black balaclavas around their necks, ready to cover their faces.

HG frowned down at his phone.

I really need to speak with you. Call me.

“Everything okay, HG?” asked AJ.

“I’m not sure. I need to give the phone to tech when we get back. I keep getting these text messages asking me to call this person. It’s an unknown number.”

“That’s weird. Did you text back telling them they have the wrong number?” asked AJ.

“No, because tech always tells us not to do that.” AJ held up a finger, tapping his communications piece.

“Dad? Yea, HG is getting odd text messages from an unknown number. Can you tap in and see if you can find it? Thanks.” He smiled at HG. “It pays to know the tech guys personally.” HG nodded but wasn’t laughing. The messages were starting to creep him out.

The ride from Belle Fleur to Houston was fast, less than thirty minutes. When the choppers landed at the private airstrip, they were shielded with the stealth netting, and the men moved to where the SUVs and Hummers were at the ready.

“They’re gassed up, loaded with the ammo and weapons, and ready to roll,” said Molly. “I’ll wait here with Chipper, Evie, and Savannah, but if you need me in the air, I’ve got cannons on this baby.”

“Molly, you’re the best,” smirked Bone. “Is Asia pissed at us?”

“Oh, hell yea. She was spitting nails when I left, but she’ll get over it. She loves me too much.” Bone kissed her cheek and then walked toward one of the Hummers with HG, Hoot, AJ, Axel, and Eli. The others split up, but they would be a wicked sight when they got out.

“Listen up!” yelled Cam, waving everyone to the back of one of the SUVs. He circled an area on a map. “This is Perez’s territory. The businesses are forced to stay open until midnight, which gives us the opportunity to speak to them and see if they’ll cooperate. If they do, let them leave. If they don’t, secure them so that they can’t contact Perez. We’re going in through the back alleyways. Convince them to leave if you can, then lock it up. We’re going to blow the buildings. If they won’t leave, let them know they’re going to die. Eli and Axel were right. Kill them all.”

“What about the Houston PD?” asked AJ.

“Bodwick got the feds to breathe down their necks this afternoon. They’re on them so heavy right now, even if someone were to call them, they won’t make it here.”

“Good to know,” smirked Bone.

“Everyone comes home, unharmed,” said Luke. “If you have one scratch, I am going to hear about it from Grandma for the next ten years.”

As darkness began to cover the area, they pulled off into alleyways behind the businesses. Most owners were more than happy to cooperate, only a few holding out, fearful that this would be another disappointment.

With the businesses locked up, and those that were willing to help returning to the relative safety of their homes, the SUVs and Hummers pulled down the main street of the barrio. Torro took the mic and turned up the volume on the vehicle’s speaker.

“Listen to me! This territory now belongs to us. Perez no longer owns anything in this city. Nothing! This is our property. You can choose to join us or…” His voice was cut off by the sound of gunfire, and he shook his head. The weapons weren’t even aimed at them. Whoever was shooting was shooting aimlessly and wild.

“Dumbasses. Alright, let’s play their game,” said Torro.

With Eagle, Hawk, Joseph, Nathan, and Kiel on the roofs of the largest buildings, they easily spotted the small group of shooters and eliminated them. Slowly, small groups of men ran out of buildings, firing at the vehicles and massive men inside them. They were no match for the skill of these men. Firing aimlessly, they weren’t even holding the weapons correctly. Most of the RP men just laughed, shaking their heads. Every attempt was made to get them to stop, but when they continued to come toward them, they had no choice but to return fire.

Following the last Hummer, Noa, Noah, Parker, CC, Bodhi, and Cade held rocket launchers on their shoulders. Firing at the empty businesses, the explosions were deafening. The business owners who’d chosen to stay were suddenly running out their doors, an RP man behind them waving casually.
