Page 37 of Bone

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“I guess we should have started there,” laughed Doc. “We’re a security agency that helps those that can’t help themselves. Another woman who was attacked is the girlfriend of one of our men. That makes this personal for us.” Sheila stared at the two men, noting their size, their bearing, and knew these men were protectors.

“I’ll go.”

Doc opened the door and waved Kegger in. He took off his ball cap, his bald head shining in the hospital light.

“Ma’am,” he said, nodding at her. “I’m awful sorry this happened to you.” She nodded at him.

“This is Ken Burke, more affectionately known as Kegger. He’s a former Navy SEAL, and one of the best men I know,” said Wilson.

“Kegger,” she said, trying to grin. “Drink?”

“Not much anymore,” he smiled. “These days, I just like to make sure I keep my friends safe.”

“We just released the announcement that one of the victims survived,” said Wilson, staring at his phone. “We need to get you out of here before he knows where you are.”

“Man brought me here,” she said.

“Perez? This man brought you here?” asked Doc, showing her the photo again. She shook her head.

“Other man. Wrapped me in sheet and left me in ambulance.” Doc looked at Wilson, then Kegger. “Whispered ‘sorry’ to me.”

“We might just have an ally,” said Doc.

Kegger walked out and got the wheelchair while Doc helped Sheila put on some clothes. Taking her down the staff elevators, they picked her up in the parking garage and then took off toward Belle Fleur. Carefully watching the rear and perimeter, ensuring that no cars followed, Sheila’s safety was their number one concern at this point. When they reached the general store, they pulled in, keeping an eye out for anyone who might have followed.

Remy, Robbie, and Baptiste walked out, smiling at the woman as Kegger helped her from the SUV.

“Ma’am, sorry to meet under these circumstances, but we’re gonna make sure you’re okay,” said Remy. She nodded, then looked up at Kegger with pleading eyes.

“Tired,” she said.

Kegger bent, lifting the woman in his arms. They watched as he walked carefully on his prosthetic to the docks. When he reached the boat, Baptiste jumped in and took Sheila from his arms. He got her settled, wrapped in several blankets, and the four men took off toward the cabin.

As the boat sped away, Doc and Wilson couldn’t help but notice the way Kegger was cradling Sheila Levine. Turning to smile at one another, they walked back toward the general store to ensure everything was good inside.

Once just a small store where the locals could buy the bare necessities, Irene and Matthew had expanded to a full market that not only had necessities but handmade goods from many of the wives at Belle Fleur.

The artwork of Ela’s was displayed on the walls, all for sale. The jewelry made by Shay and Raven was artfully displayed on velvet boxes, the incredible designs evoking the bayou, nature, and love. Prints of the bayou and wildlife by Ivy were available for sale, along with her new best-selling book. Charlie’s books held a prominent place on the bookshelves that housed cookbooks by Sara, Mama Irene, and the church ladies. The mail-order business alone kept the store employees busy.

“Did you get the photo of the man we’re looking for?” asked Wilson.

“Yes, sir,” said Mekhi, one of the many high school kids who worked for them. “I’ll make sure to notify you if they come out here.”

“Good man. Don’t confront him, Mekhi. Press the alert and lock things down. We have a few men watching from a distance.” He nodded.

“Yes, sir. My dad is gonna come up and sit with me for a while, just in case.” Wilson hid his smile. No doubt, the young man called his father, feeling a little insecure. Leaving the store in good hands, they got back in the SUV and headed toward Belle Fleur.

“The bastard is into necrophilia,” said Doc, frowning. “What sort of sick twisted games did daddy play with him that led to that?”

“I don’t know. And I don’t want to know.” Doc looked at Wilson with a sly grin.

“On a happier note, did you happen to see how Kegger was paying extra special attention to our victim?”

“I did,” grinned Wilson. “She’s got a long road to go, but if there was ever a man that deserved happiness, it’s Kegger.”

“Amen, brother. Amen.”

