Page 39 of Bone

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The morning meeting was special for more than a few reasons. With Bone and Londyn having consummated their relationship, it seemed love was definitely in the air. It was a shock to everyone when Kegger wheeled Sheila into the auditorium, his back a little straighter, his body in total protective mode.

“Good morning,” smiled Wilson. “How are you finding your accommodations?”

“You said cabin. It’s a mansion,” she said, wide-eyed. Doc and Wilson nodded, both kneeling to check her injuries and dressings.

“Yes, it’s an old mansion that was owned by one of the ancestors of this property. It was completely refurbished and updated, and several of our men stay out there when needed. No one is aware of the mansion,” said Wilson. “You’re safe out there with Kegger and the others.”

Both men looked up at Kegger, who was frowning at her injuries. Using hand signals, he told them that she’d had nightmares and was experiencing pain in her jaw. Wilson gently ran his hands over her jaw, noting the swelling. With her IV still attached, he injected some additional pain meds, hoping to give her some much-needed relief.

“Alright, everyone, take your seats. We’re going to ask Sheila a few questions, but I need you assholes to be quiet so we can hear her.” She turned in the chair to see dozens of men and women seated in the auditorium. Her eyes went wide, and Kegger grabbed her hand.

“It’s alright. They’re all friends, and they’re here to protect you. Every man and woman in here has served their country in some capacity. We have SEALs, Rangers, Delta, Green Berets, Marines, and even Coast Guard. Several of our team are former CIA, FBI, and Homeland. They’re all here to help, and no one will get through us.” She nodded as Kegger turned her wheelchair to face the group.

“Sheila, we know how difficult this is for you, and we’re sorry to have to ask, but we’re hoping that you might remember something from the attack. Even little things might tell us something of value.” She nodded.

“Crazy. Crazy eyes, crazy talk. Brutal. Stacy fought hard. Landed good punches. He got mad and killed her.” She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. “Heard her neck snap. Then he raped her. Didn’t care that she was dead.”

Looking up at the men in the room, she saw the anger and concern on their faces. She knew the anger wasn’t directed at her, but she also knew that if it were, she’d attempt to run if she could.

“Started beating Gina. She fought. Tiny. Smaller than me. He liked it. Killed her. Came at me. I stopped fighting, and it made him mad. Kept cursing me. Calling me Londyn.” A woman in the front row gasped, and Sheila stared at the younger woman.

“I’m sorry,” said Londyn. “That’s me. He’s after me, and I’m so sorry you got caught up in this.” Sheila shook her head.

“Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Must be stopped or he’ll kill more.”

“How many men did he have with him?” asked Luke.

“Two. One participated. One did not. Helped me.” The others all looked at one another, wondering who their good Samaritan might be. Londyn frowned, thinking about who he would have with him.

“Tony Castillo,” whispered Londyn.

“What did you say?” asked Cam.

“Tony Castillo. He was basically sold into slavery to the Perez family. His father owed Cisco’s father a lot of money, and he bargained for his son to work for them for twenty years. Tony was my age, and he was a good kid. He played on the high school soccer team. He made good grades, and I know for a fact he was thinking of going off to college. That is until his father totally threw a wrench in his plans.”

“Is this him?” asked Ace, putting a photo on the screen.

“Yesh,” said Sheila.

“Yes,” nodded Londyn. “That’s him, although he looks very old.”

“Crime will do that to you,” said Luke. “And I can only imagine that the lifestyle with Perez has worn him down. Do you think he’d speak with you, Londyn?”

“I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head. “I haven’t spoken to him since I left Houston. When Cisco attacked me, I don’t remember seeing him.”

“Didn’t touch me,” said Sheila. “Didn’t hit. Didn’t touch.”

The men all stared at one another, wondering if Castillo had a plan of his own. Perez must be so crazed in the moments during the attack he’s not paying attention to Castillo.

“Sheila? Did you overhear Cisco talking about going somewhere? Maybe Mexico or Central America?” asked Hex. She thought about it a moment, trying to remember the conversations that happened around her between the beatings.

“Houston. He only said Houston.” She grimaced, trying to make herself more comfortable.

“I think that’s enough,” said Kegger. The others nodded at him, recognizing his protective instincts kicking in.

“We can’t thank you enough, Sheila. If you remember anything else, just let Kegger know. For now, why don’t you head to our cafeteria? My grandmother is preparing a feast for lunch, and she’d like you to join us. She’s even figured out a way to make it liquid for you.” Luke smiled at the woman as Kegger led her from the auditorium. He looked at Londyn, who was shaking her head.

“You need to let me draw him out,” she said. Bone started to speak, but she held up her hand. “I’ve spoken to a lot of the women here. Many were in a similar situation and did exactly what I’m offering. You’ll be there to ensure he doesn’t hurt me, but if we don’t get him to come out of hiding, we may never catch him.”
