Page 40 of Bone

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“I appreciate your bravery and willingness,” said Eric, “but it’s a last resort. We have no idea if he has more men waiting in hiding or if he’s truly just a gang of three at this point. Your offer is heard, and it will be considered, but it won’t be our first choice.”

Londyn nodded at the big man. Beside her, she felt Bone exhale and turned to see a tear in his eye. Grabbing his hand, she squeezed, smiling at him.

“I’m okay,” she grinned. “I’m with you, and you’ll never let anything happen to me. I’m okay.”

“There’s another way,” said Hiro.


“Fuck me!”

“Damn you!”

“Seriously? I’ve been right here the whole time,” he frowned. “There is another way, and we should have thought about this from the beginning. Actually, it’s two ways.”

“Speak up, brother,” said Hex.

“Block his money and tempt him.”


“His accounts are empty,” said Rose, turning to look at her brother-in-law, Jean. “There’s nothing in his bank accounts to speak of. I mean, a little over a thousand dollars. That’s it.”

“Maybe he’s using cash on hand,” frowned Jean. Rose nodded, then opened her mouth into an ‘O.’

“Or maybe,” she said, tapping the keys, searching for what she needed. “Yes! He’s using Londyn’s money.”

“Londyn’s money?” frowned Bone. “What the hell do you mean?”

“It looks like she had a trust from her father. Pretty hefty one at one time. When she finished her undergraduate degree, that was the last time he sent her money. It looks like, after that, nothing was touched until Hector’s death. Somehow, Perez got access to the trust and started taking money out of it.”

“How much is left?” asked Jean.

“Enough for him to live on an island off-grid for a decade or more, very comfortably, by the way,” said Rose.

“We have to block that money,” said Jean. “Can we transfer it to a dummy account?”

“We don’t have to,” said Rose. “The main owner of the account is still Londyn. She can transfer the funds in the account anywhere she wants to. We can create another account for her via one of our banks, transfer the money, and he’ll be left with nothing. When he tries to use the debit card at an ATM, we’ll know his exact location.”

Bone ran back to the cafeteria to grab Londyn, returning him and Londyn sat beside Rose and Jean, creating a new account.

“I knew I had a trust, but I thought my father depleted it when he told me he was going to cut me off,” said Londyn. “I never dreamed it was still there. But. But I don’t want it. I know now where that money came from, and I don’t want to touch it. Didn’t you tell me that you guys have a fund to help victims?”

“That’s right, baby,” smiled Bone. “We use it to help them relocate, get legal services, clothing, medicine, anything they need during their time of transition.”

“Then don’t put it an account for me. Put it in that account. I don’t want it.” Rose nodded at the young woman, smiling.

“Okay. Take a seat, Londyn. I’ll need some information from you.” Londyn pulled her chair closer to Rose while Bone, Jean, and the others left the room. “I’m proud of you for doing this. I was once in a situation similar and gave all the money back as well.”

“You’re married to Baptiste, right?” Rose smiled, nodding at her. “I’m still trying to keep everyone straight.”

“I met Baptiste when he was providing security at the women’s shelter I was in. Previously, it had been running a baby mill. It was horrible, and Gray and Lissa were both caught up in it. I just happened to be there, running from my husband.”

“God, I’m so sorry,” said Londyn.

“He was a cop in the Midwest. A very, very bad cop. I’d been beaten down. I was pregnant, and I felt so alone I could barely breathe. Baptiste was the one that convinced me to come out here so I would feel more protected while Kari and the others worked my divorce case.

“It’s interesting how things weave together. Someone my ex-husband was working with to make and sell drugs was responsible for the torture and imprisonment of Alec and Mac.”
