Page 41 of Bone

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“I know, right?” laughed Rose. “I was just a few months pregnant with my ex-husband’s child, but Baptiste, he didn’t care. It only took a few days, and he was holding my hand, kissing me, and finally, making love to me. Pregnant!” Rose laughed, shaking her head.

“What a beautiful story,” said Londyn. “I take it they handled the situation with your ex-husband.”

“Actually, I did. With their help, of course. I know you’ve heard the others say it, Londyn, but these men are so amazing. They love their women with all their strength and support you without fail, no matter what. If Bone says he loves you, that’s it.

“In all the years that I’ve been here, do you know that not one of us has divorced? Skull lost his first wife, Willa, but a few years later, found Avery, and they’ve been blessed and happy since. President Bodwick, of course, divorced his wife while he was staying with us before he became president. But that worked out as well. He found Miriam.”

“This is the most unusual place I’ve ever seen. It’s like Eden and Utopia all mixed together. As long as you can keep the outside world out, it’s perfection.”

“Well, that is the problem, isn’t it?” said Rose. “Keeping the outside world out is one of our most difficult tasks. Our own daughter, Liz, was kidnapped by a delusional stalker. Kiel had been in love with her for years, and we both knew that he would find her, protect her, and of course, eventually marry her.”

“They have triplets, right?” asked Londyn.

“That’s right,” smiled Rose. “I am the grandmother to three of the most wonderful boys, who are growing up way too fast. It won’t be long, and I have no doubt they’ll follow in their father’s footsteps. He was a Green Beret, just like Zeke.”

“I keep thinking how lucky I was that I applied for this job, that I met with Riley and the others when I did.” Rose laughed, and Londyn looked at her sideways.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh at you, but I doubt very seriously if this was luck. If you haven’t figured it out yet, Londyn, this whole place is magical, and Mama Irene is the head wizard,” she grinned. “If I were a betting woman, and I’m not, I’d bet that Mama Irene somehow had a hand in this.”

Londyn nodded, watching as Rose’s fingers flew across the keyboard. She’d stop every few moments for Londyn to enter in her personal data, then finally showed the total amount that would be transferred to the victims’ fund. There would be exactly fifteen cents left for Cisco.

“Okay,” smiled Rose. “You are officially penniless and broke.”

“Well, I don’t see it as that,” smiled Londyn. “I see it as providing a service to women needing help. Thank you, Rose. Thank you for your help, but also, thank you for the conversation. Every time I speak with a woman here, I learn how amazing you all are.”

“You’re part of that team now, Londyn. We’re a tight-knit group here, and the women, especially, rely on one another. You can always find someone to speak with or share a glass of wine when you need it.” She winked at the younger woman, and Londyn laughed, waving at her as she left.

Walking toward the cafeteria to meet Bone, Mama Irene walked up to her handing her a folder.

“Hi, Mama Irene. What’s this?”

“The resume you mailed to us. We don’t need it any longer,” she smiled, patting her arm. Londyn nodded, then opened the folder staring at her resume.

“Hey, wait! I never mailed a resume.”


“I think it’s time we draw out our friend from Houston,” said Luke. “We’ve got his contact number from the phone we used. I think it’s time to make him even more angry.”

“I’m up for some fun,” smirked Hex. Bypassing their phone number with the man from Houston, they dialed Cisco’s number and waited.

“You’re going to die for betraying me,” spat Cisco as he answered the phone.

“Whoa, whoa, Cisco boy, I’m not your friend from Houston. I’m the man that destroyed your barrio, killed off your gang members, and I’m the man that will be killing you.”

“You speak bravely on the other end of the phone. Meet me in person,” said Cisco. “Anywhere you like and face me, man to man.”

“Well, I would do that,” said Hex. “Except that would mean only one man was in the room. You’re not a man, Frisco Cisco.”

“Don’t call me that,” he yelled.

“Look, Frisco Cisco, you’re just a pathetic piece of shit who can’t seem to find a woman that wants him. They all fight you because you disgust them. That’s a huge problem for us. You see, we don’t like abusers and cowards. It’s kind of a thing for us.”

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I don’t really think that’s important,” said Hex. “But I tell you what. I feel sorry for you. I feel bad that you have no one left to help you. So, I’m going to give you one opportunity to turn yourself in. You have until midnight tonight to walk into the NOPD and give yourself up. I mean, at least that way, you’ll be alive.”
