Page 6 of Bone

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She’d met with several doctors and nurses, including three very handsome ones. The facility was state-of-the-art, everything new, advanced, and modern. Unlike the charity clinic where she was currently working off her student loans, this would be a Godsend.

“This part of the clinic will be dedicated solely to dental care and dental patients,” smiled Riley. “We have a number of people lined up as potential hygienists and assistants, but obviously, the choice would be yours should you choose to accept our offer.”

“It’s beautiful. Hi-tech everything. I’m so impressed with what you have here. But are you sure that your organization, your community will need a full-time dentist? I mean, you’re offering a very generous salary, and I wouldn’t want to take advantage of that.”

“I assure you we need one. Besides, the salary here is more than enough to support you and your practice. If you have loans from school, we pay those off as part of your contract with a guarantee that you will stay on board for at least five years. I just had to fill the cavity of one of our men this morning. Trust me, you’ll be busy,” she grinned.

The beautiful woman looked around the space once more, shaking her head in disbelief. They’d offered to pay her student loans, give her a cottage to live in, provide all the business she would need, and the office had everything you could imagine at your fingertips.

Watching through the windows that covered the expanse of the back of the building, she saw an extraordinarily handsome man walking toward them. He had on a tight-fitting t-shirt, cargo pants that hugged every muscle and bulge on his body. And from where she was standing, it was an impressive bulge. His brownish-auburn hair was a little long, but the full beard was so sexy she nearly clenched her thighs together.

“Speaking of,” grinned Riley. “That’s my patient now. Let’s hope I didn’t screw it up.”

“Riley? Hey, Riley, are you here?” called Bone.

“In here, sweetie,” she said, smiling.

“Hey, Riley. Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” he said, stopping short and staring at the woman. His gaze sliced through Londyn as if he were counting every bone in her body, every blood vessel. It was alarming and hot as hell.

“It’s not a problem. Ty O’Neal, better known as Bone, this is Dr. Londyn Vacarro. Londyn is going to be our new dentist, I hope,” grinned Riley.

“Hello,” she smiled, reaching out a delicate hand to him.

Bone swallowed, staring at the clean, unpainted nails. Her small bones, narrow wrist, and lean fingers touched his big rough bear paw.

“Nice to meet you,” he nodded. He attempted to smile, then winced in pain. “No offense, Riley, but you suck as a dentist. This tooth is killing me.”

“Damn, honey, I’m sorry. Take a seat.” She waved him to the dental chair, and he leaned back. “Care to help me out, Dr. Vacarro?”

“Why don’t I do this one as a show of my abilities?” she smiled.

“I’ll be your assistant.” Riley brought out the tray of dental instruments as Londyn pulled on the gloves and clear facial shield.

“Can you open, please?” she asked, staring down at the handsome face. He nodded, opening wide as she immediately touched the tooth in question. “Any pain other than at the tooth site?”

“None,” he said, shaking his head. “This is an old filling that the other dentist did when I was in high school, so it was probably twenty years old. Riley was nice enough to attempt to fix it this morning, but I’m not sure dentistry is her thing.” Londyn nodded.

“I think you just didn’t get the tooth cleaned well enough. The filling is loose, and it won’t last long because it’s not adhering to the tooth itself. I’m going to remove the filling and redo it if that’s okay with you, Riley.”

“Of course.”

Londyn went to work on the filling while Riley assisted. But the whole time, Bone watched her face. She had a keen intelligence in her eyes, soft features to her face. The big green eyes, framed by her dark brown hair, kept catching him staring at her.

“Riley, do you have a curing light?”

“Oh, yes. Let me go get it for you.” She left the room, leaving the two to stare at each other.

“So, you’re the new dentist?” he smirked.

“Nope. I work for the Department of Public Works filling potholes. This was just a quick gig for a few extra bucks. Back to my day job tomorrow,” she grinned, winking at him. Bone smiled at her, shaking his head.

“Okay, Doc has jokes. I like that,” he smiled.

“Do you live here?” she asked.

“I do. My parents live here, as do my two brothers. We’re triplets.”

“Triplets! Wow, your mother must be a saint,” she laughed. “I’m an only child, but I always wished I had lots of siblings.” Her expression sobered, and Bone noted a hint of sadness there as well.
