Page 7 of Bone

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“Be careful what you wish for,” grinned Bone. “We have lots of multiples around here. You’d love being here. It’s a beautiful property, lots to do, plenty of patients.” Riley walked in, smiling at the two of them.

“Okay, Casanova, you can show her around when we’re done here.”

Twenty minutes later, Bone’s cavity was filled, and he was already feeling much better. Londyn cleaned up the area, then turned to see Riley waiting with anticipation, Bone standing behind her, smiling.

“Wow, you guys like to have an answer fast, don’t you?”

“We’re used to getting what we want,” said Riley. “You’ve interviewed with our entire medical team. You know a little about who we are and what we do. You won’t get another offer like this, Londyn.”

“And I’d live and work right here? I wouldn’t have to go into the city?” she asked. Riley smiled at her, shaking her head, but something about the statement made Bone anxious.

“Well, then, I think you have yourself a dentist,” she said, reaching out her hand. Riley gripped her shoulders, hugging her tightly. Sticking her head out the door, she yelled down the hallway.

“She said yes!” They could hear the cheers, and Bone just shook his head. He waited a few moments while she signed the paperwork, including the privacy agreement.

“Now that all of that is done,” said Bone. “Why don’t I show you around the property?”

“Sure, let me grab my bag,” she smiled. Riley gripped his arm, pulling him back.

“Just show her around, Bone. I don’t need your smooth ways losing me a dentist,” grinned Riley.

“I would never do that!” She stared at him, shaking her head. “Okay, okay. I promise I won’t do anything other than show her around.”

“Good boy,” she said, patting his arm.

“Ready?” asked Londyn.

“Ready,” he smiled. “Right this way.”

Londyn walked beside the man as he carried her backpack. She’d come directly from the clinic at the charity hospital where she’d been working. It didn’t pay much, but she was living in a shithole apartment, spending her entire paycheck on paying off her student loans. She looked up at him, at least a foot taller than she was. Incredibly handsome, muscular, and quiet, he was making her very nervous.

“This path will take you from the main compound all the way to the medical center. When the weather is nice, it’s a great walk, a little over a mile and a half. If the weather is bad, we have multiple ATVs on the property that you can use.”

“It’s unlike any gated community I’ve ever been in before,” she said, shaking her head. “It feels very, uh, safe.”

“Well, you read the privacy agreement, right?”

“Yes. You’re a security company, highly secretive,” she whispered. He grinned at her, nodding.

“You don’t have to whisper here,” he smiled. “We stick to ourselves. No one has our address, no one can get on the property unless we allow it. It’s imperative to our safety and the safety of our families.”

“I understand,” she nodded. “It’s actually perfect for me. I’d like to be a bit lost for a while.” He looked at her, frowning, then just nodded.

“These are the cottages of our family and friends,” he said proudly.

“Oh, wow,” she whispered. “Look at the antebellum home!”

“Yes, that’s the home of Matthew and Irene Robicheaux. All of this land is theirs, and they’ve been extremely generous. They have fifteen children, and they all came home with their own families to support the business.”

“That’s just incredible. So, they started the security company?”

“Sort of,” smirked Bone. “Nine Dougall and a few other men actually started it. They knew the Robicheaux men, who were all Army Rangers. They started doing some work together and eventually joined forces. Then it was Ian and his team of Navy SEALs joining, followed by Steel Patriots, another security company founded by a former Navy SEAL, Ghost Stanton.”

“Wow,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ll never be able to keep track of all that, but it’s just amazing. So, it’s safe here, right?” That was the second time she’d mentioned safety or security on the property, and it wasn’t sitting well with Bone.

Bone stared at the woman as they walked, then gripped her elbow, stopping her. He pulled her toward one of the stone benches at the edge of the gardens and sat down.

“Listen, the safety of my family is priority one for me. If there’s something we need to know about you, please tell us now. It won’t affect you working here, but we need to know how to prepare if someone is looking for you. We might also be able to help you if you need it. Just don’t keep us in the dark.”
