Page 9 of Bone

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“Hi, Parker, right?”

“That’s right,” he smiled. “Nice to see you again, Londyn.”

“You too. Mama Irene said you were running some errands in town. I was wondering if you could drop me at my apartment. I just need to pack up my clothes, and then you could pick me up on the way back. It’s right by the hospital.”

“Sure, but I don’t mind helping you,” he said, smiling at the younger woman.

“Oh, no. It won’t take me long at all. I have two suitcases and believe me, my clothes won’t fill them up.”

“Sounds good. I’ll drop you, pick up the paperwork at the courthouse that we need, and be back to get you in an hour.”

Londyn enjoyed the drive into New Orleans with Parker. She sent a quick text to Bone saying that Parker was taking her to get her things and she would see him tonight. She learned a lot about Parker and his past, almost making her wish she felt comfortable enough telling him about her own past. Instead, they spoke of how he met Dani and his intense love for his wife and his new family.

“Right there,” she said, pointing to an old three-story house. Parker frowned at the chipping paint and old folding chairs on the front porch.

“Maybe I should come up with you,” he said. “This isn’t exactly the safest neighborhood.”

“No, no, it’s fine. I promise. You go run your errand, and I’ll be ready by the time you get back. If you’ll just come up to apartment seven, I’ll be waiting.” She stepped out of the SUV, and Parker frowned, a feeling in his gut. He nodded at her and watched until she was safely inside the building.

Speeding away, he felt an intense need to get his errand done and get back to her. He wished he would have listened to his gut.

Londyn opened the door of the apartment, all the lights off just as she left them. She flipped on the switch and felt the rough, disgusting hand clamp over her mouth.

“It’s nice to see you, Chica. We have things to talk about.” Londyn shook her head, feeling the panic and tears rising. He twisted her around, facing three more men that she recognized. All had been in his gang when he was just a boy. Now, he was a grown man, much bigger than her.

“Oh, damn,” muttered one of the men, gripping his crotch. “Little Londyn is all grown up and fine.” With her phone in her hand, she tried to hit the emergency button but couldn’t quite reach it.

“You ran away,” said Cisco. “No one runs from me and gets away with it.” He gripped her blouse, ripping it from her body, then roughly twisting her breast. She cried out, muffled by his hand.

“You’re going to learn some lessons, then we’re going to carry you home where you belong,” he growled.

Londyn felt the hands on her body, tearing at her clothes. While one man invaded her body, the others beat her, then they would trade places. At times it felt as if everything was moving in slow motion. At other times, it felt as if it was happening so fast she wasn’t sure how long she’d been on the floor of the apartment. Then she heard a knock.

“Londyn? Londyn, it’s me, Parker.” Her face was broken, swollen, her tongue too large for her mouth as she gagged for help.

“Is that your little boyfriend?” muttered Cisco, gripping her neck. “I’ll gut him as well.”

The door splintered as Parker’s big foot crashed through. Two of Cisco’s men came at him with knives, but they weren’t even close to being as fast as Parker. Shoving one toward the window, he kicked him out and through the glass, shattering the window as he tumbled to the concrete below. When the other came at him, he gripped his wrist, twisting and turning until the loud snap of his arm echoed in the room.

“Grab her!” yelled Cisco to the third man.

He tried to pull her up, but her body was dead weight. Parker pulled his nine-millimeter, firing three times into the man. When he turned, the fourth man was gone, running from the building with the man with the broken arm.

“Fuck, honey,” he said, kneeling beside Londyn. Grabbing the sheet from her bed, he pulled it over her body, gently wrapping her. He knew the charity hospital was next door, but he didn’t want her to go there. Instead, he called home.

“Comms, I need help.”


Parker carefully loaded Londyn into the SUV and took off toward Belle Fleur. Halfway there, he was met by five motorcycles and another SUV. Wilson jumped out, getting into the backseat with Londyn while Parker sped away again.

“Jesus,” he muttered, staring at her. “This reminds me of Cait.”

Parker hadn’t been around when Cait was attacked, but he’d heard the stories. Pulling into the clinic, Doc, Riley, and Gabi met them at the back, rushing Londyn inside.

“What the fuck happened?” asked Luke.

Parker had tears in his eyes, shaking his head. His arm was bleeding from a cut he didn’t know he’d received, and he had someone else’s blood on his shirt and pants. He was limping, not realizing his prosthetic had come loose during the altercation.
