Page 35 of Captivated

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“Yes to it all.”

“Good!” I grin. “I went to the club last night. Definitely wasn’t the same without you and that dress.”

She laughs. “Oh really? I’m sure you had plenty of dance partners. I can’t imagine anyone not being interested.”

“I didn’t dance. I drank.” It’s the truth. I totally went with the intention of picking up a companion, but I couldn’t even fake an interest.

“Really! That makes me grin, I admit.” I grin at her honesty. “I may have been jealous Mr. Starks, someone getting to rub against perfection,” she teases.

I guffaw at her. “I’m glad you appreciate my perfection. Although I guess I can say the same.”

“How so? You know I didn’t go dancing with anyone.”She’s cute.

“Jealous your husband got to spend time with you.” She goes quiet. Shit, did I just bring up the realization of her marital status in her mind? “Amelia, you okay? I didn’t mean to upset you.” Shit, I can hear her sniffling. She’s going to back out on giving me the all. Fuck me and my mouth. “I just meant …”

“No, I know what you meant. I’m fine.” She sniffles a little, inhaling. “I wish it was you here too,” she says, pausing for a moment, “more than you know.”

“Oh!” Damn that just went deep. I hate that fucktard. “Well, I’ll be there next week—Wednesday through Sunday. I promise you a good time.”

“What do you have in mind?”She’s curious.“I need some clue in case I need to go shopping.”

“Pack a bag of your toiletries, swimsuits—lots of swimsuits—and dresses. I guess whatever you need for the beach.”

She laughs. “Okay, anything dressy or just beachy?”

“Throw in a nice dress or two, you never know where we may end up. Pack a selection of summer things; just make sure you have beach stuff … and a passport.” I want to tell her to pack everything you have and stay, but I can’t.

“Okay.”She’s kind of quiet.“I’m totally curious now. I can hardly wait.”

“You don’t sound nervous about me telling you to pack your bag.”

“I am not. Oddly, I trust you completely.”

“Good, you should.” I grin. I would never do anything to her. Should I tell her about the others? I think I’ll surprise her.

“What are you doing this weekend, Mr. Starks?” She’s all breathy. I love when she talks like that.I’m going to be stuck thinking about you.

“I’ll probably hit the club with Andy and Michael. Tierra is gone on her photo shoot; I have to check in daily, handle business things.”

“That’s right, Tierra mentioned doing a swimsuit shoot in Hawaii. That has to be exciting for her.” I laugh. “What?”

“Her manager and the photographer are pigs. Andy hates that she’s there.”

“I couldn’t imagine modeling swimsuits. I would be way too nervous.” I laugh at her comment.

“She started with lingerie.”

“Oh! Really? Skimpy or tasteful?”

“The less the better when it comes to lingerie,” I admit. She laughs at me. I’m serious though. “I’m not talking leather, bondage shit. Just sexy lace or silk.”

“You’ve seen her shots?”

I laugh. “Of course.” One division of Stark Industries is a magazine of fine lingerie and swimwear. “She’s my best friend’s wife. We were all friends before she hit it big.” I look at the time and grin.

“What?” she asks me.

“How do you do that?”
