Page 66 of Captivated

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“I’m not getting into this on the phone Eric. It’s not my problem you have zero stamina.”No babe, it’s not. It’s called erectile dysfunction.

“Why not talk dirty to me? We’ve never done that.” She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

“And we’re not going to ever do that.”Damn right, if she’s talking dirty, it’s going to be to me.“Don’t you have work stuff to do?”

“Yeah, I’ll check in with you later. Answer this time.” She rolls her eyes. I grin looking at her, shaking my head. That’s not going to happen. She smiles as she waits for him to say goodbye. She doesn’t tell him she loves him or bye. She just disconnects. I watch her put the phone on the bedside table.

“I’m more than happy to handle him for you.” She shakes her head like she doesn’t understand. “I’m more than happy to put some perspective in his head. I don’t like him speaking to you that way.” I roll her body to me.

“He was really intense as I soon as I called him back.” She looks at me. “I had missed calls.”

“Why call him back?” I don’t want her to call him anymore. I know I can’t tell her not to talk to him; after all, he’s legally bound to her. I hate him.

“You don’t think I should?”

“Do you want me to be honest?” Shit that just came out.

“Yes, I do.” She’s cuddling into me as I’m wrapping my arms around her. I feel her fingers go under my shirt, rubbing across my six pack.

I sigh because this could go either way. “I understand why you did. I can’t tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. Legally, he is your husband, but that does not mean you belong to him. He doesn’t respect or deserve you.” I feel her fingers slow.Shit, what is she thinking?

“I wasn’t lying, I don’t love him,” she whispers. She starts stroking my six pack again, feeling all my dips and ripples with her fingertips, circling my belly button with her pointer. “I don’t want him.”

“Well, do you know what you want?” I whisper, running my fingertips up and down her back.

“I don’t want to feel like I’m cheating you out of more.”Fuck!That’s not what I wanted her to say. “He will never give me a divorce. If I did move on with someone, he would make their life a living hell. If he ever finds out about me being here, he’ll kill me.” She continues to rub my six pack. “I don’t want to dump shit and drama on your relaxed life.”

“Look at me.” She leans up. “Do I look like I’m worried about his ass in the least?”

“No.” She laughs. “You don’t seem concerned at all with him.”

“So I ask you, what do want? Do you want things like they’ve been for the last ten years or do you want to try something else? I don’t know, maybe take an adventure with me.” I grin as I lace her fingers in mine, kissing them.

“Take an adventure with you,” she purrs.Oh thank fuck!

“There’s your answer, don’t talk to him.” That came out easy. “Our adventure has already started.” I roll her over on her back, looking into those captivating sapphires. Her eyes are smiling while she bites her bottom lip; fuck it is pulling at me. I lean in, kissing her open mouth, dipping my tongue … discovering this beautiful vessel.

She giggles as I kiss and nibble down her jaw and towards her ear. My hand playfully rests on her hip. She’s so beautiful. I love her laugh.

“God!” I turn around to Tierra’s voice. “We’ve been waiting forever for you two. Should have known you two would be hiding so you could make out.” I roll my eyes as I sit up.

“Amelia was talking to the soon-to-be ex-husband.” I grab her hands as I stand.

“Good, so I guess that means that this is going somewhere.” She motions between the two of us. “Somewhere special?”

“Yeah.” I grab Amelia’s hand and lace it with mine. “Let’s celebrate.”God, I hope so,she’s grinning at me.

“Whoo hoo,” Tierra shrieks, grabbing Amelia’s free hand up in the air. “Let’s party! Oh honey you’re going to have the most amazing sex life now.”

“Oh my.” I hear Amelia laugh as she lets her lead her to the sun deck.Oh, Amelia has no idea what I can do in bed.


The music is loud and everyone is already drinking. “Damn it’s bright.” I hold my hand up, shielding my eyes. Toni immediately approaches me with a cosmo and holding my sunglasses. “Oh, thanks!” I grin sliding them on.

“Yes, ma’am, you left them on the lounge last night.” I watch Toni walk back to his bar.

“Okay, listen up!” Tierra sings, while fanning her hands to gather everyone around. “Our Casanova is going off the market!” She holds her drink up. “Whoo hoo,” she shrieks again, jumping with excitement. I laugh, shaking my head.
