Page 37 of Dangerous Chaos

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“Exactly what they’re doing,” Wit finally answered. “Exactly that.”

“Okay then.” Rip slapped Wit’s back. “Find comfort in that and chill the fuck out. You’re making me anxious just watching you. Stop thinking like a love-sick asshole and think like a damn warrior out there protecting someone else’s girl.”

“Wit,” Dillon said gently. “Think back. You’ve been the guy protecting everyone else. You’ve protected their loves too, right?”

He nodded.

“Now let them return the favor. They have your back, and it helps that she’s their blood.”

“And that they’re afraid of her,” Wit added

Dillon chuckled. “And there’s that too.”

Wit sat on the bench as the team engaged an unknown enemy, and everything came through their comms. With his elbows resting on his knees, he perched his chin on his clenched fists as emotion trailed down his cheeks. And he prayed.

Dillon and Rip took a seat on either side of him, remaining silent in some sort of support of solidarity. They’d all been here before, and they knew nothing they could say at that moment while all hell was breaking loose would ease the ache in Wit’s chest.

Rip stretched his legs out in front of him, crossing his ankles, and laid a hand on Wit’s shoulder as he stared off in the distance, watching for the metal roll-up door to go up and their team to drive through. Dillon laced her arm through Wit’s and fixed her gaze on the same door.

The sounds of crunching metal came through their earpieces, then muffled gunfire behind the heated voices of a team coordinating their actions to overcome an imminent threat. Every time Ayelish came through, Wit clinched his eyes together as he listened to the tension in her voice, and it brewed an unfamiliar sense of fear in him.

“I’m sending out help,” Ransom said from behind, having just stepped off the elevator. “We were listening in the Lair, and I’m sending help.”

Ransom Wyatt was a friend of BK Security, a war hero who now served as president of the United States. His brother, Mercy, served as a Keeper for the firm, as did Ransom’s soon-to-be wife, Dillon.

“They didn’t ask for it, Ran,” Wit said. “I appreciate you, but they—”

“Yeah, well, they’re getting it.” Ransom interrupted, turning his attention to his right-hand man and head of his security detail. He gave him a nod, executing the order.

Kroy was an ex-operative who knew many of the O’Reillys and served with Ransom. It was a no-brainer when he took office that Kroy be in charge of his safety. He was the only person he trusted outside of Brother’s Keeper. Ransom had called on the Keepers to step in several times during his time in the White House, even if it was against protocol.

“Repaying one of many favors,” Kroy said. “We came here for a reason, and it was to help. We’re on it.”

Wit nodded, giving in to the idea with a sense of relief. Something was to be said when the highest office in the land intervened to ensure your people made it home safely. He hoped.

Kroy disappeared into a dark vehicle while giving orders through his own comms, preparing to connect with the team. The small convoy rushed out of the underground garage, and the group sat silent, waiting to hear the two groups join forces as it was sure to come through on their end. And it did.

They were able to hear it all as the chaos grew out on some country roads in the middle of nowhere, outside Portland, where they fought a growing beast. He prayed Kroy and company would arrive in time. It was getting far too intense and dangerous for his liking. Then the comms went dead.

“Shit,” Wit yelled.

“It’s going to be fine. I’m still in communication with them.” Ransom adjusted his earpiece. “I know how you’re feeling, and it’s temporary. They’re all going to come rolling in here, spouting off bullshit and competing over who was the fucking hero today.”

Wit snickered and rolled his words in sarcasm. “It’s like you’ve done this before, Mr. President.”

“Damn right I have, and it’s a damn nightmare sitting here and not helping,” Ransom continued. “Those are our people out there, our loved ones. This isn’t easy, but we’ll get through it. We always do. You and me will be out doing this hero shit again soon.”

Dillon looked at Ransom with surprise. “When your term is up? You’re coming back to …this? Is that even allowed?”

“I don’t know, but right now, sitting here while they’re all out there…” Ransom looked at Wit. “I know how you feel, brother. We’re going to get to the bottom of this. Anything I can do with my resources, it’s all yours.”

“Jesus. I’m sorry. Dammit, I couldn’t see past my own bullshit to realize… your family is out there protecting mine. Mercy.”

Ransom waved him off and looked at Dillon. “Merce can handle himself. He’ll be fine. They all will.”

“And your lady.” Wit ran his hands down his face. “She was rollin’ with the target. Geez, man. I’m sorry. I hadn’t even thought about that. Sort of stuck up my own ass right now, worryin’ ’bout my own problems. Thank you. All of you. This is a great sacrifice, fighting the unknown, and I don’t take one ounce of your sacrifices for granted. Believe that.”

Dillon offered Wit a side hug, then stood, making her way to Ransom as if she too just realized how worried he must have been listening in through their comms all along.
