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She stares at me, and for a few moments, it feels as though there is no one around except us. My brain registers several things at once – hospital, wheelchair, yesterday, no guard, Ben! Shit! There are no two ways about it now. I have to fire him now. I can no longer allow my personal feelings to cloud my professional judgment, and especially when so much is at stake. What the hell happened to her?

My feet move in her direction and I watch as her face goes white.

Chapter nineteen


Istareindisbelief.Archer!? What the fuck is he doing here?

Throughout this ordeal, he is the last person I want to see.

When I woke up in the hospital that night, I cried for hours relieved that I was alive and safe.

But now as I look at Archer, I don’t feel despair. I feel anger. He walks over to me and I recoil. The orderly comes over immediately as Archer tries to touch me.

“Sir. You can’t do that.”

“The hell I can’t. I’m her boss and security provider. Sidney, what happened?”

I feel angry tears prick my eyes as I stare up at him. I’m so tired of everything and I need to end this once and for all.

“Do you really want to know what happened? You and your damn family are what happened! I wish I’d never laid eyes on any of you. You put my life in danger! I’m here because of you, your son, and your so-called bodyguard!”

“So-called bodyguard?”

“Ben is on Spike’s payroll. He practically fed me to them!”

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re upsetting the patient.” A nurse comes to my assistance along with the orderly.


“Yes, Ben.”

I allow that to register as the expression on his face changes from confusion to anger.

“I’m going to deal with it, Sidney. I promise.”

“Do that. And while you are at it, stay away from me. Forever.”

“Sir, we’re going to call security if we have to ask you to leave the patient alone again.”

Archer ignores them and stoops down to my level. As he attempts to touch me, I push him away, screaming, “Don’t touch me!” then wince in pain as my bandaged arm hurts. Tears come to my eyes. My vision goes blurry as tears roll down my face.

“Leave me alone, Archer.” I turn my face away, using my hair to hide my bruises. I close my eyes and bow my head.

“Excuse me, sir. Kindly come with us.” The security personnel speaks quietly in order not to create a scene.

“Sidney, tell them who I’m.”

I hear the pain in his voice and it pricks my heart.

“Leave me alone, Archer.”

“The lady has asked to be left alone, sir. Kindly come with us.”

I keep my head averted as the elevator opens. My heart is racing. What the hell is Archer even doing here?

“Miss Peterson? Your room is ready, so I’m going to take you there now. It’s a short ride and you’ll soon be comfortably tucked in, okay?”
