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I sniffle and nod. I swallow against the tears as I’m wheeled down the corridor. It has been a harrowing few days, and I’m finally glad to begin the road to recovery.

That evening when Spike and his cronies attacked me, I thought for sure that I was going to be killed, or worse yet, raped, then murdered. I still have no idea why they left and who called the police, but I’m grateful. Seeing Archer just made my cup full.

The nurse helps me onto the bed as I continue to cry.

“It’s okay, dear. You’re young and resilient and will heal fast. They look horrendous, but your prognosis is good.”

I nod in agreement, not willing to tell her that my tears have nothing to do with any physical pain I’m feeling. I wince reflexively as she changes my bandages. The cuts on my cheek and arm are itching from the stitches. The nurse rubs an anti-bacterial ointment on them before replacing the gauze.

“In another few days, those bruises on your face will fade and you’ll be as good as new. The doctor will speak to you tomorrow about the x-rays of your shoulder and leg. Now, the dinner cart will come around soon and then it’s nightie night.”

I manage to smile as she leaves. “Thank you.”

I sit staring into space when she leaves. For the first time since getting here, I’m alone with my thoughts. I try not to think about that afternoon in the alley. But it is necessary for my memories so that I can understand the gravity of my current situation. I need to fix things and I need to fix them now. And with my turning twenty-eight next Monday, there is no time like the present to contemplate life.

First, I need to get better. And for my sake, I pray that it’ll take a while as right now the hospital is the safest place for me. Next, I’ll need to intensify my search for a job. I have always ensured that I have a few months’ worth of savings to take me through any mishaps, so I know that I’ll be fine in that regard. Finally, I’ll need to move. At the thought of moving, Archer comes to mind again.

What was he doing at the hospital? I have a fleeting thought that he was contacted regarding me. But I don’t know how the hospital would have known to call him. Then again, he had looked just as shocked to see me as I him. But of all the moments for him to run into me, this is the worst. I’d had no intention of even reaching out to let him know one of his men is a traitor. But it had slipped out. What he does with Ben is his business, not mine.


I accept the covered tray and find my stomach growling. It is my first real meal since being admitted. I polish it off in no time and push the tray to the foot of the bed. I dig into my purse and find my phone. The battery is running down and I’ll have to figure out getting it charged tomorrow. I dial Michelle’s number.

“Sidney? Where have you been? I haven’t heard from you indays!”

I sigh. “You almost had to identify my body.”


“I’m in the hospital, Michelle.”

“What!? Which hospital? I’m on my way.”

“Visiting hours aren’t until tomorrow at ten again. Can you bring me some clothes when you come?”

“Sure. But what happened, Sidney?”

“Spike. The same guard who let me go to the club was on duty. I figured I could have a little less restraint and went to the store. Spike got to me. But I also discovered that Ben, the guard, was in on it the whole time. He actually called Spike that night at the club. He had followed me. And he called him at the store as well.”


“Yup.” I take another deep breath and tears fill my eyes again. “Michelle, he was really serious about hurting me this time. H-He cut me, slapped me around, and when he threw me to the ground and started ripping my clothes off—”

“No! Sidney! No!”

“H-He was going to-to—”


I break down at the pain in Michelle’s voice. I hear her crying as well.

“We’ll get you through this, Sidney. We’ll get you counseling.”

It takes a few minutes for us to get our emotions under control.

“Thank goodness he didn’t get to carry out his intentions. Someone called the police and they ran. The police called the paramedics and here I’m.”

She takes a deep breath. “Sidney, I know you want to have nothing to do with Archer, but don’t you think you need to—”
