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“Oh, about that. I don’t know what he was doing here, but I saw him in the corridor when they were transferring me from observation to a ward this evening. I told him to leave me alone. And I mentioned Ben’s betrayal as well. But Michelle, I’m done. I’m done with Grant, Archer, and everything that has to do with them. I need to move on, even if it means leaving Chicago.”

“I’ll leave with you.”

“You can’t do that, Michelle.”

“I’m an entrepreneur. I can live anywhere as long as I have space for my material. We can do what I’ve wanted you to do for ages: move in with me.”

“I need to be independent, Michelle. We both do. One day, you’re going to meet a nice guy, and where will that leave me?”

“You’d live with us as the spinster aunt.”

We both laugh, and for the first time in hours, my spirits feel light.

“Michelle, I love you. You’re the best friend ever. You’re always there when I need you.”

“And I always will.” The love comes through her voice.

“When I get out of here, I need to find a new apartment. And I need a job that allows me to work from home. I can have things delivered to my door. I guess I’ll just become a prisoner.”

“And what about the issues with Spike? Is there any reason you can’t look into security services again, just not from Archer’s company?”

“That is an option. I’m just going to have to take it one day at a time. And maybe I’m going to have to bite the bullet and learn how to protect myself. I have done the lessons at the range and everything…”

“Are you thinking about getting a gun?”

I pause before answering. “Yes.”

Michelle goes silent. Then I hear her chuckle.

“Are you sure you don’t want to get the chihuahua?”

I laugh and then groan as I feel some tenderness in my chest. The conversation ends shortly after with Michelle making plans to visit me tomorrow. I remain awake for a while looking up at the ceiling. I feel hopeful that I’ll get my life on track as planned. There will be no Grant, no Archer, no Spike. I’ll protect myself. I’ll be fine.

I roll over as comfortably as I can, given the different areas that are tender. I sigh and close my eyes. I’ll be fine.

Chapter twenty


Idon’tknowwhereI’m heading when I leave the hospital. I’m seeing red. What the hell happened to Sidney? And what did she mean when she said Ben was a traitor? I need to think. And I need a clear head to do that.

I take a deep breath. Then another. I turn the car in the direction of home. When I get there, I head straight to the basement. I’m soon working up a sweat and the tension begins to ebb. I continue to pump iron until I feel exhausted and relaxed all at the same time. I’m dripping wet when I strip down to my boxers and head upstairs to shower. I allow the hot water to sluice down my body as I press my palms to the tiles. I close my eyes and begin to think rationally.

I find it hard to believe that the two people in the world that I care most about are lying in a hospital and there is not a damned thing I could’ve done about it. I feel helpless. Whatever put them there is something I was unable to prevent.

There is no doubt that no matter what Grant does, he’ll always be my little boy. And I feel grateful that he has finally agreed to let me help him. And as for Sidney, I’m done denying it. I love her.

I shake my head as a shiver runs through me. Just thinking it sets me on fire. I love her and I’m not going to lose her. I just need to find a way to let her know it too. I’m going to fight for her and I won’t stop until I get her back into my life. She is going to move back in with me. And when the time is right, I’ll make her my wife.

As for Grant, I’ll follow up on his recovery to ascertain the best time for him to be released to rehab. At the thought of Grant, I remember that I have a few calls to make. It’s time to deal with Spike. I call people who know people who know Spike, and within an hour, I have a meeting set up and a payment figure. Of course, I’m not going to make the mistake of going alone, and I get five of my best men on board to accompany me when the time comes.

Then I turn my attention to Ben and what Sidney had said about him being on Spike’s payroll. It doesn’t take long for me to check on his movements since Sidney and Grant were attacked. He hasn’t turned up to any of his assignments and all calls to his phone go unanswered. I make another call and get a detail to track him immediately. I’m promised that I’ll have word within twenty-four hours.

I rifle through the refrigerator and find some leftovers. I serve a portion and stick it into the microwave then pop a beer. I sit staring into the backyard as I organize my thoughts. I need to take a few days off, that’s for sure. First thing in the morning, I’m going to withdraw the cash I need for my meeting at ten with Spike. Next, I’ll go to the hospital to check on Grant, and hopefully, try to see Sidney. Depending on what comes out of the discussion with Sidney, I’ll know what my next move is. I have no idea what I’m going to say. I know I need to convince her to give us another chance.

I eat and place my plate in the dishwasher. I check the windows and doors and ensure that the alarm is armed before I head upstairs to bed.

I sit in a corner of the diner waiting for Spike. I feign nonchalance as I appear to be engrossed in my phone while waiting on my order. But the second a man slides into the booth behind me, I’m on high alert. I glance sideways at the glass window and see his reflection. He is looking down at what appears to be a menu.
