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I smile. “It’s just a few bruises and they’re already fading.”

The doctor smiles. “Yes, the bruises will fade. But if something had happened to your baby, it would have been a tragedy.”

Oh yes. The baby. I cover my stomach instinctively, still trying to wrap my mind around the news I’d received when I’d gone back to my room after the encounter with Archer and the call with Michelle. Another doctor had come into the room with the results of my blood test.

“I’m happy to say that your blood work is very good, Sidney. But we need to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby is fine.”

I had stared at her, not sure that I had heard her correctly.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re pregnant, Miss Peterson.”

“P-Pregnant? I-I can’t be pregnant. I’ve had my cycle regularly – I think.” My voice had become shaky WhendidI have my last period?

“When was your last period, Sidney?”

“I-I-I’m sure I had one last month. But I can’t be pregnant.”

“Trust me, my dear. You can be and you are. Have you been using protection?”

“I-I was on the pill last year. But I came off because I didn’t think I needed it anymore as I’d broken up with my boyfriend.”

“How recently have you been sexually active? And did your partner use protection?”

“We didn’t use protection.”

I snap back to the present.

“How far along am I again?” I take a few deep breaths.

“You’re six weeks along and doing fine. I’m going to give you a referral to our resident obstetrician. Of course, you can decide if you want to find your own, but it’s a start. Whatever you do, you should be checked out again before the end of the week.” She looks at me curiously and drops her eyes. “I’m sorry I’ve been rambling on like this when I should have asked a pertinent question, especially since I know this news has taken you by surprise. Are you keeping the baby?”

I stare at her. “Of course!” I blurt out without hesitation. It may have been a shock, sure, but there is no doubt in my mind that I’m keeping my baby.

She smiles. “Good. Now let’s get you discharged.”

I follow her like a zombie with my purse and the small overnight bag Michelle brought for me. I sign the relevant documents, and before I know it, I’m heading to the lobby to wait for Michelle to pick me up in a cab. I step out of the elevator and gasp. There, heading down the corridor is Archer. He’s in plain clothes but there is no mistaking that hair and height. I watch several heads turn in his wake and I feel a strange twinge of jealousy. It’s as though I want to tell them to keep their looks off my man. My man. I place a hand on my still flat stomach. I’m still in shock at the fact that I’m pregnant with Archer’s child.

I hold my breath as I watch him continue out through the main door. I give him a few minutes before venturing tentatively to the lobby. I look around nervously, wondering if he’ll jump out from behind something. But he’s gone. I’m waiting for no more than five minutes before Michelle calls. She comes inside with a coat and ushers me into the waiting cab. I lean into her and rest my head on her shoulder as we drive.

“Thanks, Michelle. I really appreciate this.”

“No problem, hon.”

I close my eyes and allow the turning of the wheels to lull me to sleep. I don’t wake up until Michelle touches me gently on the arm.

“We’re here.”

I sit up and wait for Michelle to pay for the taxi before I allow her to help me out onto the pavement. We walk briskly and are soon out of the cold. I’m quickly settled into the guest room under a ton of blankets and a space heater. There’s a small television that she mounted for my entertainment.

Michelle plies me with food and tea and ensures that I take my antibiotics and apply salve to my bruises. She is lying across the foot of the bed flipping through channels while I stare into space. I’m nervous as I think about what I have to share with her.

She settles on a comedy and I watch for a while before nudging her with my foot. She looks around and I smile wanly.

“We need to talk.”

“You’re staying here until all those bruises fade and those cuts heal and I’m not taking ‘no’ for an answer,” Michelle states.
