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We go back into the room to find Grant straining while his arms and legs were restrained by the nurse and orderly. Dr. Beaumont hurries over to the bed and strokes Grant’s forehead.

“There, there. One, two, three, four—”

I stand back helplessly while she counts Grant through the tremors. When he relaxes, I see him breathing heavily. Sweat is pouring down his face and I can see that his hospital gown is soaked. He looks over at me, his eyes dazed. I hurry to his side.

“Hey, son.”

“Hey,” he says breathlessly. “I, I, ugh!” he squeezes his eyes shut as another tremor takes over.

“It’s okay. We’re going to get through this. I just want you to get better, okay?”

He nods. Dr. Beaumont touches my shoulder.

“We’re going to administer his sedation medication so we can move him. You can stay with him until he falls asleep.”

“Thank you.”

I watch as the medication is injected into his IV and he relaxes almost instantly.

“How was your night?”

He tries to smile. “Rough. But I’m going to be fine.”

“Yes, you are. You’re a Colleymore. We always land on our feet.”

I hold his hand until his eyes close. When he is completely unconscious, I leave to allow the staff to do their job. I stop by the reception area.

“Excuse me. Where can I find Sidney Peterson’s room?”

“She’s not accepting visitors.”


“I’m sorry, sir. If you’re not her family nor next of kin nor a specifically allowed visitor as per her permission, we cannot allow that. At least not on this ward.”

I’m silent for a while. Then I have an idea.

“I’d like to make a payment on my son’s bill. Could you direct me to the cashier please?”

I follow her instructions and am soon standing in line. I’m soon at the window.

“Good afternoon. I’m making a payment for Grant Duncan and Sidney Peterson.”

“One moment please.”

I wait for the cashier to check the records and tell me the total. I swipe my card and wait for the receipt. I complete the transaction and head to the parking lot. I check the paperwork and am pleased to see that I have the information I need. Sidney’s room number. Now all I have to do is wait for the shift to change tonight and pay her an emergency visit as her ‘father’ who just heard about her hospitalization and rushed right into the city on the first flight.

Chapter twenty-one


Islipintotheclothing that Michelle brought for me this morning. I have been waiting practically all day to hear how soon I can leave and the doctor has only just given me my marching orders. It is the best news ever and I don’t waste any time. It’s just a pity that they’ve only just decided that they don’t need to keep me for another night. I could’ve left with Michelle this morning. I look up as the door opens.

“Someone seems happy to be going home,” Dr. Beaumont smiles at me.

“I am.”

“I’m only sorry I didn’t get to you sooner but I had a critical case that had to be moved to a different ward. There are a few things I need to tell you, though, before you go. You’re very lucky you’re so young. If it had been someone older, the results might have been more detrimental.”
