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“Look at this change table. Isn’t it the cutest thing?”

I smile, then gasp and whisper, “Look at the price tag.”

Michelle rolls her eyes. “We’re here to get ideas, remember? Besides, this is just the first store.”

“Yes. But if all the stores are like this one, I’ll just be frustrating myself. I don’t have this kind of money. I have to think about what I need, not what I want.”

“And what is it that you want?”

“A few tops that I can wear until I deliver and enough diapers to last me a lifetime. Anything else is a bonus.”

“Sidney, work with me please. Dream with me a little. Let’s pretend that you can afford all of this. What would you get?”

I look around and laugh. “I’d get everything of course!”

“Come on. Be serious now. What would you get?”

“Okay.” I walk over to the display and allow myself to dream a little. I run my hand along the smooth wood of a crib.

“This is gorgeous. You can tell this is real teak. I love the stain on it. I like the fact that it’s flexible. This can serve for at least five years as it’s got these detachable rails that can turn it into a bed. It’s like an all-in-one piece really. Look at all the space for storage underneath, for diapers and blankets and all those kinds of things.”

“You always were an innovative thinker in the most efficient way to use space.”

I feel a shiver go down my spine. I turn around. His gray eyes are boring into me. I take a nervous step back and back right into the crib. I’m finding it hard to breathe as he steps into my space. The past four months seem to disappear as I’m overwhelmed by emotion at seeing him again. Every time that my thoughts tried to drift to Archer, I pushed them aside. But looking at him now as he stares at me makes me wonder if I have made a mistake in keeping him out of my life. I see his jaw tighten as he continues to stare at me. There is something in his eyes that I cannot describe, but it hypnotizes me.

“Sidney? Can we talk? In private?”

“I-I’m here with Michelle and I wouldn’t want to—”

“Trust me. Michelle will be fine. Right, Michelle?”

Michelle materializes out of nowhere. “I just remembered that I have a piece to finish for a client. Gotta run. But I know Archer will take care of you.”

“But, Michelle!”

I watch as my best friend hurries out of the store.

“She wants you to be happy, Sidney. The same way Grant wants me to be happy. And they both seem to think that our happiness lies with one another.”

I swallow against the lump that rises to my throat as tears prick my eyes.

“I’m going to have Michelle’s head for this.”

“She loves you and wants what’s best for you.” He chuckles and steps closer. He places a hand on my shoulder, and just like that, I break completely.

The tears roll down my cheeks as he pulls me into his arms. He holds me carefully, conscious of my belly bump between us. I place my hands flat on his chest.


I look up as he speaks, his voice is husky and his eyes are surprisingly bright.


“We need to talk and I’d rather it not be in front of a store full of people. Please?”

Time seems to stand still as we stare at each other. Then, still holding his gaze, I take his hand. Our fingers intertwine and I smile. He cracks a smile and raises my hand to his lips for a kiss. I think I hear some soft sighs and realize that he was not exaggerating when he said we had an audience.

I nod. “Okay.”

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