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It feels as though I’m coming home from a long journey as I sink into the familiar passenger seat of his car. As he drives, I don’t have to ask where we are heading. Home.

I take a deep breath when we enter the compound. I try not to remember the last time I was here. Archer laughs and I look over at him.

“I had no idea you were so athletic. Running down driveways and climbing trees.”

My cheeks burn as he verbalizes my thoughts. I almost jump out of my skin as he touches my stomach. He rubs it gently and smiles.

He parks in the garage and we sit in silence. I can almost hear our hearts beating. Then he gets out of the car and comes around to my side. I allow him to help me out of the vehicle, and I enter the kitchen. I’m immediately assailed by tantalizing scents. Against my will, my stomach rumbles.

“I know you’ve already had brunch, but Michelle said that she wouldn’t overfeed you so that we could have lunch together.”

“Michelle said that? She’s been a busy little bee.”

He laughs. “A busy little bee and my little secret helper.”

I look at him curiously. “Secret helper?”

“There’s a lot of confessions she and I’ll have. But all in due time.” He takes my hand and leads me to the dining room. There I find the table spread with a three-course luncheon. He seats me, then takes his own seat. We eat in silence. About an hour later, we are on the couch. He pours himself a drink while I have juice.

“There are a lot of things we need to get out of the way, Sidney. And I think I need to start with an apology. I never knew you were involved with my son. I swear. All I saw was a beautiful woman who mesmerized me in every possible way. And I wanted you in my life. Sidney, I’ve had a whole lot of experiences in my life. And especially with my failure as a husband and father the first time around, I never dreamed in a million years that I deserved a second chance at happiness in a relationship. But that all changed when I met you. You made me believe that I was worthy of love again, and that I could open my heart to love.”

He reaches out and takes my hand. His fingers are warm and dredge up memories of what they used to do.

“Before I say anything else, Grant left a letter for you.” He reaches into the drawer on the coffee table and pulls out an envelope and hands it to me.

My hands shake slightly as I pull out the single piece of paper and open it.

Dear Sidney,

Words fail me. I’m torn between emotions. This is my fifth attempt at writing this letter. You do remember that I’m not the best at expressing myself, so here goes.

I fell in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you. And even though I was a mess, I still wanted to be in your life. So I know exactly what my father felt when he fell in love with you. He is not a man of many words and you might have to pry it out of him with a crowbar. But he loves silently and deeply. The mere fact that he has allowed you into his space like that speaks volumes. I know I messed things up between you two. And I’m hoping to use this letter to make it right. Give him a chance. If not for his sake or mine, for the sake of my little brother or sister. He may not have been the best father for me. But I think he has learned from those mistakes and deserves a second chance. So please, I ask you, don’t use my mistakes to punish him.



PS. He has no idea I’m writing this.

I can barely see the signature through the blur of my tears. I feel Archer slide closer to me on the couch and I rest my head on his shoulder.

“Grant is playing cupid.”

“I figured. Before he went back to Europe, he told me to go after you and not to stop until I have you. And I’m taking his advice.”

I look up at him and find him staring at me. I think he is going to kiss me when he shifts and stands. He stretches out his hand, and I take it. He helps me to my feet and we go upstairs. My heart is beating like a drum as his fingers tighten around mine.

“There is something I want you to see.”

We walk past his bedroom and he stops at the door to one of the guest rooms and looks at me.

“It’s not finished. But I think we have a little time.”

He opens the door and steps aside. I step inside and my heart stops. Tears begin to flow once again as I look at the nursery in progress.

“I wasn’t sure of the gender, so I tried to pick a neutral color. There are some other things that I’ve ordered that I hope you’ll like. I’ve kept the receipts for these things, though, so if there’s anything you don’t like, we can return it or exchange it.”

I walk deeper into the room and he follows.
