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“I also wanted it known it’s not me making them. I won’t take credit for something that isn’t mine.”

She nodded her head. “It’s your business. It’s not like you cook everything that goes out the door.”

“You’re right, but this is different. If you are trying to get a business going then this will help you.”

“That's nice of you,” she said.

He wasn’t sure what it was about her that he was so drawn to.

He normally liked a more confident woman, but he was feeling protective of Hadley. Of her vulnerability. He’d seen glimmers of her confidence and found it sexy. Maybe he wanted her to show more of it.

“I can be a nice guy despite what Diane said about me.”

“You know?” she asked.

“I know most of what is going on in my businesses.”

“Which is probably why you are so successful,” she said.

“One of many things,” he said, laughing. “Which leads me to something else. You said you were working on your website. My sister has pointed out more than once I’m sadly lacking in the marketing and advertising of my business. I’ve got a website for Duke’s that I paid someone to make, but it’s not updated often. There isn’t one for here either.”

“No. My father never really thought one was necessary. He just did their Facebook page.”

“Which has its place in advertising too,” he said. Though he hated dealing with any of that. “Did you do that stuff at your other job?”

“What stuff?”

“Website design. Social media posts or advertising?”

“The website design was more updating rather than setting up. I’m working through setting it up now. It’s not that hard if I keep it simple. But yes to the social media.”

His head went back and forth. “Would you consider taking that on for Southside and maybe Duke’s? I guess I’d like to see what you can do for here first and then maybe move on to Duke’s.”

“Really?” she asked. Her light brown eyes were wide and his heart thumped in his chest. She had to have had some knocks in her life if something simple like this was giving her hope.

“Yes,” he said. “Something to work out. The pictures of your cakes were well done. The lighting and the angles. Start taking them here too. The same with some meals that come out. I’ll make sure everyone is aware of what is going on. Then we can use those pictures on social media. It doesn’t take much time to send out the posts the nights things are being served, right?”

“No,” she said. “And a lot of the food is served the same nights so I could schedule them from one day that I took them to go out the next day.”

“Except for specials. I’d want them to go out that night for people to see and come in,” he said.

“Which is why you are running things and not me. But it takes time to get followers on social media.”

“It does,” he said. “I’ll run ads if I have to. Do you know how to do that stuff?”

“I do,” she said.

This was working out better than he thought. He was used to surviving on his reputation, which he knew would only get him so far.

“Put together some things for me if you can. As if I was a client for you. What you’d do, how you’d do it. What I need to get set up.”

She was smiling bright again. Not as much as she was when she was baking, but he could see she was in her comfort zone too.

“I can do that. I’ll do it tonight and tomorrow. Are you going to be around on Wednesday again?”

“I’ll be here to check on the food supplies,” he said. He’d make sure of it more than anything now and rearrange his schedule. Not just to make sure things came in right, but to see Hadley again.

He just hoped he was doing the right thing for the business and not doing it to see Hadley’s smile.
