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“Could be a while,” Mac said.

“Yeah,” he said and was trying to figure out how he could help her in the meantime. Then he had to tell himself he had to dial it back. He’d been told more than once he went overboard with people and he was doing it again.

He left Mac’s side and then went to get in his SUV. “Did you apologize to your cousin?”

He turned and looked at her. She did speak her mind when she felt comfortable. He knew that now. But yet she got ridden all over by Bobby and his family until Mac showed up. Hell, he felt it until even he showed up.

“I did,” he said. “I’ll take you to Carter’s now so we can figure out how long it’s going to take to get your car back. My guess is Bobby and his family are gone now.”

“Once Bobby’s father calmed down and it was pointed out what happened he had to get his wife under control,” she said.

“That’s their problem,” he said. “Are you sure you’re okay? Nothing hurts?”

“I’m fine. I’m sure my body will be sore tomorrow, but nothing more than that. I’m more annoyed than anything. I just hope the car isn’t totaled. It’s going to be paid for in less than a year and the thought of having to get a loan for something else and have payments again. Yeah, don’t want to think of it.”

“It will work out,” he said. What more was he going to say?

“I hope so. I wonder what my chances are of getting a rental on this island?” she asked. It seemed to him she was only talking to herself out loud.

“Carter will know,” he said. “He might have some. He’s the only one that can do body repair work on the island. Everyone else has to go off island for it.”

“Really?” she asked. “How do they do that?”

“Carter removes all the cars from accidents on the island and then someone off island will come and get it from his place.”

“He’s got a nice little monopoly there,” she said, grinning.

“More like no one else wants to deal with it. He’s crazy busy. There is another garage on the island that does some small work. Brakes, oil changes and things like that. Mac’s father does it too on the side. Things that Carter sends to him.”

He started his SUV and drove the short distance to Carter’s shop. He saw Bobby and his family pulling out so they timed it well.

He and Hadley got out together and he walked into the front door. Dopey was there and lifted his head up.

“Hey, Duke,” Carter said. “I figured you’d be here. Jason said he saw you at the scene when he picked the cars up.” Plus he was the one that made the call in the first place.

He was known around town. It was hard not to be. Not just from his family but also his restaurant which was a popular hotspot.

“Yeah,” he said. “This is Hadley. It’s her car that was hit.”

She moved in front of him and he held back his grin. “Hi,” she said. “Do you know if the car is totaled?”

He should have realized that would be the first question she’d ask. “Hard to tell until I get underneath, but the frame looks pretty damaged,” Carter said.

Her shoulders dropped. “Do you know when you’ll find out?”

Carter looked at Duke and he raised his eyebrows to see if his cousin had the time to look. “Jason is getting it off the flatbed now.”

“That’s fine,” she said. “If you can just call me later today if you get a chance. In the meantime, do you have rentals here or can you let me know where I can go on the island?”

“I’ll know in an hour or so,” Carter said. “I’ve got a few rental cars, but they are all out. I think one will be returned next week.”

“Okay,” she said. “If my car can be repaired, I’d like to get that. I think I can borrow my mother’s until then. My insurance should cover a rental.”

“It will go on Bobby’s insurance. No worries there,” Carter said.

She nodded her head. “We might as well leave, Duke,” she said. “I know you’ve got to be to work in a few hours. I’ll talk to my parents when they get back on the island.”

Carter was scratching his chin as if he wanted to ask more but didn’t. He’d talk to his cousin another time, but he wasn’t worried about anything. The men in his family didn’t talk much.
