Page 50 of Viper

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I turn back to her, my eyebrows raised expectantly. Joey flutters her lashes, smiling seductively up at me.

“How about you take me upstairs, and we forget all about her ungrateful ass?”

I never touched Joey before I met Peaches. Why the fuck would I downgrade now? When she’s A.W.O.L?

“Seriously?” I brush her hand off me, unable to keep the sneer out of my tone. Joey shrugs defensively.

“Oh, come on. Any sister will do, right?”

I don’t have time for this shit. Turning away from her, I stride across the bar, ignoring the groupies' catcalls and the brothers' calls to drink.

My palm hits the door to the back corridor, shoving it open as I walk through, my phone in my hand. I type out the group message, hit send, and shoulder my way into the chapel, dropping into my chair and holding my phone to my ear as I dial Naomi’s number again.

“Hey, this is Naomi. Leave a message, and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

Fucking fuck. “Peaches. Pick. Up. The. Fucking. Phone and call me back.Now.”

Hanging up, I glance around as the chapel doors open, and Fangs, Palmer, Merch, Justice, and Bullseye stride in.

“Emergency meeting?” Merch asks, his eyebrows raised as he takes his chair. Palmer claps his hand on my shoulder, taking his seat to my right, between Merch and me.


I nod, and they share a look. Fangs sinks into his seat across from me, his eyes locked on my face.

“Joey wasn’t much help then?”

“Less than no help.”

Fangs nods, drumming his thumb on the arm of his chair. Buster is the next to arrive, nodding to me and dropping into his seat beside Bullseye, locking his eyes on me.

“This better be important. I was about to be balls deep in Lace."

I open my mouth to reply, but the doors open again, and Strafe strides in, followed quickly by Bruiser, Killer, and finally, Aric and Holton.

Everyone takes their seats, and Holton turns to me, his eyes narrowing. “What’s this emergency?”

“Naomi is missing.”

There is a beat of silence as everyone’s faces turn to me, frowns breaking out. Fangs shifts, clearing his throat.

“Joey said she bails when she’s bored. Look, Viper, no one wants to think they’re not giving it everything in bed, but women can be flighty.”

He can’t be fucking serious. Holton opens his mouth, but I cut across him, glaring at Fangs, leaning forward in my seat, and planting my hands on the table.

“She got so fucking bored she decided to burn a casserole in the oven and left all her shit but her purse?”

Fangs frowns again, and Aric shifts in his seat. “All her shit is still at yours?”

“All of it. Her fucking phone charger is still plugged in beside the bed.”

Holton sighs, planting his hands on the table. “I admit, it’s weird. But we’re not throwing club resources into looking for some piece of ass who means nothing more to the club than a babysitter. Shelley can find another assistant. You can find another bedwarmer.”

What the fuck? Palmer and Aric’s hands land on each of my shoulders as I start to stand. I’m going to lay him the fuck out for talking about my Peaches like that.

Their fingers dig into my cut, and across from me, Killer and Bruiser shift in their seats, ready to launch themselves across at me if I cross a line. I settle for glaring at Holton hard enough to melt his face.

“She’s fucking mine,” I spit. My hands clenched into fists. “We were supposed to be seeing Cockerel tonight. He’s expecting us.”
