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“No, it does not. So, you will absolutely be getting your mouth washed out and your naughty bottom spanked.”

“By both of you?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Nick finally spoke up. “Michelle will take care of the soap, and I will spank you. Do you have any objections to that, little one?”

“Oh. No, I guess not. As long as you’re not both gonna spank me.”

The bossy types shared a look, and both of them smiled. “Not this time,” Michelle said, alleviating some of Allie’s worries. “But that might be a possibility at some point, so you better be on your best behavior, little girl.”

“Yes, Ma’am. And Sir.”

“Come on. Let’s go wash all of those rude words out of my Little girl’s sweet mouth.” Holding out a hand, Michelle waited for Allie to take it before pulling her into the bathroom. To Allie’s surprise, Michelle closed the door behind them. Alone, she cupped Allie’s face in her hands, her expression intense.

“You’re sure you’re okay with this, babygirl? I don’t want you to do this just because you think it’s what I want.”

This, at least, was something she was absolutely sure of, even if she wasn’t a hundred percent sure how they were going to make it work. “I’m not. I’ve actually sorta wanted a Daddy for a really long time. For both of us. I even told Sadie and Hayleigh last night that I thought Nick would be good for us. I just figured you would never go for it, so I never said anything.”

“Oh, Allie.” Michelle drew her in for a fierce hug. “I would do anything for you. I can’t give you what you need if you’re keeping things from me.”

“I don’tneeda Daddy.” Pulling away enough to meet Michelle’s gaze, Allie put every ounce of conviction she could into her words. “I’ve thought about a Daddy, even daydreamed about it at times. But never ever have I needed anyone but you, Michelle. I don’t want you thinking I’ve been missing out because I haven’t. If we decide that this thing with the three of us isn’t going to work out, I will be sad for a little while because I really like Nick, but I won’t be disappointed. It’s really important to me that you understand that. You are more than enough for me.”

“Okay.” With a decisive nod, Michelle blew out a breath, her curls fluttering around her face. “I’m sure if you’re sure, and it sounds like you’ve given this a lot more thought than I realized. I was worried this was all moving too fast, and here you’ve got the whole thing worked out in that brilliant head of yours.”

“Yup. I was just waiting for you and Nick to catch up.”

“Brat.” Laughing, Michelle tugged her close and brushed a kiss across her lips. “I love you, babygirl.”

“I love you, too.”

“All right. Now that we’ve got that all settled…” Releasing her, Michelle opened a cabinet and pulled out a small, unopened bar of soap. “Apparently the Ranch keeps these on hand for just this occasion. I read about it in one of the pamphlets you gave me.”

“Of course you did,” Allie muttered. That’s what she got for booking a trip at a resort that housed so many Littles. “Would it help if I said I was really,reallysorry and it would never happen again?”

“That’s a nice try, certainly, but we both know you’ll just feel guilty if I let you off the hook and then you’ll end up getting in even more trouble.” As she spoke, Michelle unwrapped the bar and turned the water on, running the soap under the stream until it was nice and sudsy. “Open, babygirl.”

Of all the punishments Michelle had in her repertoire, this was possibly Allie’s least favorite. Which, she was forced to acknowledge as she opened her mouth for Michelle to rub the bar over her tongue, made it extremely effective.

The acrid smell of the soap filled her nostrils as the slimy bar settled on her tongue, and Allie instinctively gagged. Tears welled in her eyes, and she sent Michelle a pleading look, even though she knew it wouldn’t stop the punishment.

And then came the lecture, which was possibly even worse than the soap itself, as far as Allie was concerned.

“You know I don’t mind if you use the occasional naughty word, but you absolutely do not direct those words at me, or anyone else for that matter, Allison Rae. I do not speak to you that way, and I expect the same respect in return.”

The guilt that had taken a backseat up until then suddenly made itself known, churning her stomach with every word. With Michelle vigorously rubbing the soap over her tongue, Allie couldn’t even apologize or beg for mercy, like she could with a spanking. Something about not being able to give voice to her feelings always made her feel even more Little and helpless than usual.

It seemed to go on forever, the bubbles burning and tickling her throat, the gross taste of the soap sitting heavy on her tongue. But in the back of her mind she knew it was probably less than a minute before Michelle was pulling the bar from her mouth and letting her rinse until the worst of it was gone. The taste would linger for a long while, which was why she always got the soap before her spanking, so she would be forced to remember exactly why she was being punished.

When she’d rinsed as much as she was able, Michelle opened her arms and Allie threw herself into her embrace, her tears already soaking her shirt. “I’m s-sorry, Shelly! I didn’t mean to be so naughty.”

“I know, babygirl. Even good Little girls mess up now and then. You’re still my good girl.” Rocking gently from side to side, Michelle waited until Allie’s tears had slowed before asking, “Are you ready for your spanking?”

She was and she wasn’t. Part of her was just ready to get it over with, but after her experience with Master Derek the night before, she was simultaneously worried about how much more a spanking from Nick was going to hurt. Gathering her courage, she nodded. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Hey, look at me.” Pulling away, Michelle gripped Allie’s chin and forced her gaze up. “You don’t have to do this if you’re not ready. We can go in there and let Nick know we aren’t quite ready for him to punish you, and nothing has to change.”

“No, I want to. I’m just nervous. Does he spank hard?”

“Well, I haven’t been punished by him yet…” Michelle nibbled at her bottom lip, suddenly looking as nervous as Allie felt. “Would you feel better if he spanked me first? So you know what to expect?”
