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She was distantly aware of the bed dipping behind them, and a moment later Michelle’s whimpers filled the room.


Never in her life had she imagined she could feel so full. And she wasn’t just talking about Nick’s thick cock working its way into her ass. Her heart felt like it might burst with love for the man behind her and the woman on her knees in front of her.

The past year had been… incredible. Learning to submit again on a full-time basis had been difficult, but she’d eventually found her rhythm. And Nick had a seemingly endless well of patience when it came to her and Allie, which helped her feel like less of a burden.

Being long-distance had come with its own challenges, as well. But she had a secret she’d been keeping for weeks now, and she couldn’t wait to share it with them tomorrow morning. After multiple meetings and negotiations, she’d gotten permission to work as a remote employee full-time. Which meant she and Allie could finally give in to the hints Nick had been dropping more and more frequently about them moving in with him. Even Allie didn’t know, and she couldn’t wait to see the surprise on her babygirl’s face tomorrow morning when she shared her news.

Tonight, however, was all about reconnecting. They hadn’t seen Nick since Thanksgiving, and god, how she’d missed this. His kiss, his touch, the feeling of being so completely taken over by him.

And there was the added layer of the two of them dominating Allie at the same time. Their sweet girl always took whatever they wanted to give her. Not without complaint, but those whines and whimpers and protests were half the fun.

Like now, with Allie on her knees, her chest pressed against the mattress, and her bottom hole stretched wide around the cock Michelle had attached to her favorite harness. Every time Michelle rocked forward, Allie would whine at the intrusion, but her hips moved in time with Michelle’s, her body greedily accepting the painful pleasure.

“My beautiful girls,” Nick murmured in her ear, his hands cupping her breasts as he fully seated himself in her bottom. Letting her head fall back against his shoulder, Michelle closed her eyes, giving herself a moment to savor the sensation of being fucked by him while she fucked their girl.

It was a heady experience, and it threatened to overwhelm her.

Then he was moving, pulling out slightly before thrusting forward. Her body mirrored his movements, and they moved in tandem, and soon his bedroom was filled with whimpers and sighs and groans of pleasure. The harness pressed against her clit, and as their movements became more frantic, she was pushed closer and closer to the edge. Combined with the painful pleasure of their Daddy fucking her bottom, it was all more than she could take.

“Oh, god. Daddy. Please!”

“You want to come, pet? You want to come with our girl on her knees in front of you and Daddy’s cock filling your tight little bottom hole?”

“Yes, Daddy!”

“Hmm.” He nipped at her neck, his laughter vibrating against her back. “Make our girl come, and then you can have yours.”

With a desperate little whimper, she slid a hand down to where Allie was already soaked with arousal. Her hips flexed forward, drawing a similar mewl of needy pleasure from her girl as she used the knowledge she’d gained over the years to work her toward a furious, explosive orgasm. Allie’s screams echoed around the room, feeding the need clawing at Michelle’s insides.

“Now?” she gasped out when he thrust forward, filling her, stretching her, driving her nearly out of her mind with wanting them.

“Yes, pet. Such a good girl. Come for Daddy now.”

The friction of his cock in her ass was becoming painful, but it only added that delicious sharp edge to her pleasure she loved so much. And then it was her screams filling the room, as it exploded inside of her, racing down her veins, throughout her entire body.

Nick followed her over the edge a moment later, and the three of them collapsed on the bed together, a sticky, sweaty, wonderfully satiated tangle of limbs.

Allie was the first to recover, and she wiggled her way out from the tangle to climb over them and snuggle into her favorite spot between them. Rolling to her side, Michelle nuzzled against the side of her neck. “Merry Christmas, my loves.”

“Merry Christmas!” Allie echoed with a bright, happy giggle.

“Merry Christmas, darlins.” Running his hand down Michelle’s back, Nick pressed a kiss to Allie’s temple. “I love you both, with everything I have.”

“We love you too, Daddy.” Apparently wide awake now, Allie held up her left hand to admire her ring. “So, when are we getting hitched?”

“A Christmas wedding seems appropriate,” Michelle said, lifting her hand alongside her babygirl’s.

“Hmmm. I don’t know if I can wait that long to have my girls here with me.”

Now was as good a time as any, she supposed. “Then I guess Allie and I will just have to move in, won’t we?”

“That would be awesome!” But Allie’s grin faded almost instantly. “Oh, but, what about your job?”

“I was going to wait to tell you tomorrow morning but…” Taking a deep breath, she shared the secret she’d been keeping for months. “Starting January first, I’ll be working from home full-time. Which means I can work from anywhere, including here.”

“Really?” Pushing up onto his elbow, Nick searched her face, his expression oddly serious. “And you’re sure that’s what you want?”

“What I want is a life with my girl and our Daddy, and I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have that. I’ll have to drive into Bozeman probably once a month for our team meeting, but other than that, I’m free to work from wherever I want.” Doubts began filling her mind and she could feel the worry tightening around her chest, threatening to turn into outright panic. “That is, of course, if it’s okay with you. It seemed like you’d been dropping hints, so I wanted to surprise you, but if that’s not what you want, I can—”

“Shelly.” Heaving an overly dramatic sigh, Allie slapped a hand over her mouth. “Shut up. He wouldn’t have asked us to marry him if he didn’t want us to live with him, you goofball.”

“Our girl has a point, although she knows better than to tell people to shut up.” Nick shot her a disapproving stare that had Allie mouthing “Whoops” as she pulled her hand away from Michelle’s mouth. “I would love to have you two move in with me. I have more than enough room, and we can either share the office downstairs or we can turn one of the extra bedrooms into an office just for you. Whatever you need, I’ll make it happen, darlin’.”

And with that, all of the worries fell away. She had no doubt they’d make several more appearances over the next year, with so many huge changes coming in their lives. But with her babygirl and their Daddy by her side, she knew they would make it work.

They were, after all, her very own Christmas miracle.

The End
